This an the other thread on a dude going through another guys dumpster amuse me. I understand being upset your honey hole is gone, dried up, whatever. Think on this were getting free for a couple years, didn't go inside to land the deal officially, an then upset when the company decides to recycle, save them selves cash on trash pick up, etc...
Your(General Yours an yous) not entitled to anything folks. Unless you got a contract with the business, you really should be thankful you get it at all. Same with the guy upset over another guy in "His" dumpster. Why? Your secret isn't going to remain a secret forever. Someone, will eventually see you diving in the dumpster, an think to themselves.."If he can do it, so can I!".
Not trying to be rude, but getting upset or even annoyed cause a company decided to recycle their own product (Which I'm with Burt on, lest they are recycling it, an not tossing in the trash for the landfill) that you didn't contract them on, is silly. Or upset cause some other guy is in 'your' dumpster. As Blacksteel said in the thread..."First come first served".
Does it suck for you? Sure does. Worth getting upset over? I don't think so. Capitalize an find another company, and CONTRACT with them. If you can't do that, work a deal with the installers an drivers. If that doesn't work...find a new way to get material.
Change can be a good thing. Makes you think outside of the box. Like Spin said..find a more diverse niche.
You can't ***** an moan over losing something if you never had the rights to it in the first place. Again not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not good at adding sugar to the realities of life.

Why beat around the bush when you just go right through it.
oooh..I'm not done yet! ha ha!
This is like the fourth company that I have been getting free scrap from for years. I have always asked for permission to pick. Though I've learned that as soon as you show interest in wanting something they wanna get paid for it and it's always a unreasonable price.
Full article at
Scrap Metal Forum:
So your surprised a company is going to do what's best for the company's bottom line vs yours? I hope your kidding. They aren't throwing that stuff away to make you money. They found out how to make money off their trash, an now your upset, despite the fact you've been diving their trash for years? Seriously? If i was a big company throwing out tons of money every year an needed to add more to the bottom line I'd do it to. It's a company. They are more concerned with their investors, banks, employees, an other over head, then they are you. You had a few years of a free ride obtaining your scrap. Time to cowboy up, move on an find new businesses. Hopefully this time you'll take the advice of the folks here, an get it in writing. Offer to pay them might just be surprised.
A lot of you guys say you get in by saying you'll take things for free. What are you going to do when a competitor in your area decides to pay these companies for their scrap? I got a guy down here, he does that free thing. He lost a lot of business cause I offered to PAY for their scrap. Why use him, who wants it for free, when I'm willing to pay? The companies love me, instead of making nothing, they make something.
You may direct all Hate Mail, Fan mail an love letters, me.
Sirscrapalot - Remember you're not entitled to anything. You have to earn your success every day, and you will make mistakes like everyone else. - Harvey Mackay