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All you e-scrappers, WATCH FOR ARTISTIC BOARDS.

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  1. #1
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    All you e-scrappers, WATCH FOR ARTISTIC BOARDS.

    A few weeks ago, i was in the middle of a work day, ripping into my 15 gaylords of electronics, when i ran into something odd. I was tearing apart a car audio amp. Nothing special about it, solid aluminum all around, could not see inside. I opened it up, and the circuit board was in the design of our American flag! Had the white stars, blue square, and red/white stripes. Just immaculate condition. I gave easyrecycle a call and he said to keep it around, that it might be worth something. So i put it away, and forgot about it.

    Well, friday i was ripping some more stuff apart. My employee was working on an old power converter. The entire case was aluminum, 50 billion screws, and about 40 pounds. (Funny how all the good stuff is encased in AL...hmm) My partner found 2 boards. Both some kind of plastic. 1 was a milky white, with crazy gold swirls on it. The other, the same plastic type, but DARK brown, with the same awesome gold swirls. Those are now put away as well.

    I don't know the value of this stuff, but i know it's worth a helluva lot more than scrap. I'll include pictures in a few days, forgot to bring the pieces home (duh).

    Moral of the story, don't be so quick to smash and grab when it comes to circuit boards. Sometimes i can get into a rhythm and forget what i'm really LOOKING for, just taking things apart and throwing them in their buckets. A little bit of extra time and an inquiring mind will lead you to a nice little collection of neat stuff.

    Oh, if anyone has any idea about the worth of the same kind of boards i mentioned, feel free to let me know! haha.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Haven't seen any of those yet but they sound neat, I would definitely hang onto them for awhile. If you decide to move them, the best money might be on Ebay.
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  4. #3
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    i started tearing down a 50 billion screws vhs machine the other day, and was ready to toss it all when I realized the whole insides of it is aluminum. I carried it with me to the yard to ask what had to be taken off to get dirty aluminum price but didn't get a very good answer. Brought it back home but decided I'd rather to have just tossed it on into the shred, boards, motors and all

  5. #4
    BigRyan's Avatar
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    I'm dying to see a pic of this American Flag board! Do you remember what audio company it was? That sounds pretty badass!

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  7. #5
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    omg my friend that is the cream of the crop you found its rare and very very nice these are usually hand painted or outfits people with pay to do it because of the fact that you can not cover any contacts on the board its like finding 4 or more pentium pros in one board lol lol i had a cool one about 5 weeks ago that cards and everything was painted too which made up the whole of not real real 3d but cool looking like that of a waterfall and boat the sad thing was is that who ever though it out in the trash the other person throwing stuff on top of it damaged the case so bad and the soundcard inside broke free so i was only able to get $75 for it on ebay which is great but some of these depending of course on buyers and whats painted can fetch i have seen up to $700 working ones and also how old they are but still could sell for art art for $100 im sure each love to see the pics and thanks for sharing

  8. #6
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    So wait...your telling me that some of our electronics are still made in America? Wonder if China has gotten wind of this yet...

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  10. #7
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    Dadgumit, I was just at hoss' shop and forgot to ask if I could see the board.

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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    omg my friend that is the cream of the crop you found its rare and very very nice these are usually hand painted or outfits people with pay to do it because of the fact that you ... im sure each love to see the pics and thanks for sharing

    Buddy, some of your posts are kind of hard to read/understand. Do you think you could throw a period or comma or something in there every now and then? When communicating via the written word, your post is the visual equivalent of mumbling.

    Please don't take this as me being a jerk, or as something rude. I'm genuinely interested in trying to learn as much as I can, here, and I don't want to misunderstand a point you may be trying to make.

  14. The Following 6 Users say Thank You for This Post by Wolfwerx:

  15. #10
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    Really................ Did the thought ever occur that a private message would have been more appropriate to request someone change how they speak on here?

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to URBANERECYCLING for This Post:

  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by URBANERECYCLING View Post
    Really................ Did the thought ever occur that a private message would have been more appropriate to request someone change how they speak on here?

    I guess that's two of us that made that same mistake. The difference is that my criticism was meant to be constructive, your post was meant to be condescending.

    Point taken, though. Travistemple, I sincerely didn't mean to offend, and I should have pm'd you. I didn't think about it, it was just an off-the-cuff remark not meant to be a big deal.

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