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  1. #1
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Welcome to my vintage computing museum :-)

    The title is probably a bit too grandiose but today I picked up a small load of computing equipment that is probably enough to start a computer museum.

    A 386, a couple of old Macs, some kind of Zenith Data Systems dinosaur, another one called Heathkit with 2 8" floppy drives!, a couple of monitors, external drives. All this equipment probably has about the same amount of computing power as my new microwave, but boy do I feel lucky.

    A nice sampler of computing power from the 70s, 80s and early 90s.

    The guy also mentioned that he decided to contact me because of the bunch of "computers wanted" ads he found he liked mine the most. Detailed, polite, etc. Definitely pays off to spend time fine tuning your ads.

    The dilemma is that I pretty much ran out of basement space and start too look like a hoarder. It's tempting to simply rip things up, but it would be a travesty without at least trying to
    get these machines to work. Now what I need is time to do it all. Do you know where I can get some?
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  3. #2
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    Nice collection you have there. I know the 5 1/4 floppies sell well. There was a guy just on here a few days ago asking about old computers. Check the recent posts.

    Time for sale $1,000,000 per ounce.

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  5. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here is just a little history on Heath from Benton Harbor Mich;

    Heathkit Virtual Museum | History
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  7. #4
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    nice score very good money in parts and whole units

  8. #5
    FLimits's Avatar
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    Holy cow, there are some great vintage items in there. (I'm a collector.) Any way you could get me a list of what you've got there? (Some better pix would be helpful too, if that's not too big a pain.)

    Where did you get this stuff?

    Whatever you do, don't take anything apart yet!

  9. #6
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLimits View Post
    Holy cow, there are some great vintage items in there. (I'm a collector.) Any way you could get me a list of what you've got there? (Some better pix would be helpful too, if that's not too big a pain.)

    Where did you get this stuff?

    Whatever you do, don't take anything apart yet!
    My plan is to take each piece one by one and at least plug it in and turn it on. It might be a bit hard to fully test functionality since I would need the right floppies for that etc.

    As I go through these pieces, I will take detailed photos.

    By the way, I tried to PM you but I don't think your account is set up to accept PMs from other members.

  10. #7
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    I'll check re: PM. I'm a total newbie to this forum, so maybe I didn't set it up yet. Would love to get more info from you about that amazing haul!
    It's hard to tell exactly what you've got there, but the Heathkit pieces alone may be very valuable.

    Edit: OK, I set up my account to receive PMs. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't on.
    Last edited by FLimits; 01-11-2014 at 12:53 PM.

  11. #8
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    Ah there he is, I knew he was around here somewhere....hehe.

  12. #9
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    Hi, yeah, just got back to the forum today. Nice people here!

    OP: A word of caution about really old electronics. If you are familiar with electronics, you might want to open those machines to perform a visual inspection first. In particular, you should verify that the capacitors are intact before you attempt to power them up. If you see anything in there that doesn't look right, just don't try turning the machine on. I've heard stories of people getting hurt when old equipment blew up on them.

  13. #10
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    If you see anything in there that doesn't look right, just don't try turning the machine on. I've heard stories of people getting hurt when old equipment blew up on them.
    Can capacitors when they get old can dry out then when power is applied they possibly can explode. Don't know about them hurting you but when one goes off it sure might make you soil your undies,,,,

  14. #11
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    Soiled undies are an injury, if you ask me! Yeah, usually with oldies it's better to do a thorough inspection of the innards and maybe recap before trying to apply power.

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Can capacitors when they get old can dry out then when power is applied they possibly can explode. Don't know about them hurting you but when one goes off it sure might make you soil your undies,,,,
    FYI - In electrical terms, soiled undies are referred to as a "brownout"

  16. #13
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycleBin View Post
    FYI - In electrical terms, soiled undies are referred to as a "brownout"
    did seeing his collection give you, in weather terms, a "white out"?

  17. #14
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLimits View Post
    Soiled undies are an injury, if you ask me! Yeah, usually with oldies it's better to do a thorough inspection of the innards and maybe recap before trying to apply power.
    thanks will remember that. The items are definitely dusty and some are slightly beat up. As I understand they are coming from a hoarder's house although I did not see any roaches or mice jumping out.

  18. #15
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    Well, you met the right hoarder. I've managed to ID all of the pieces in those first photos you posted. What's especially nice is that you have a whole Heathkit/Zenith system there. And it's a really good one. Seriously, that is one awesome haul. Good catch!!

  19. #16
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLimits View Post
    Well, you met the right hoarder. I've managed to ID all of the pieces in those first photos you posted. What's especially nice is that you have a whole Heathkit/Zenith system there. And it's a really good one. Seriously, that is one awesome haul. Good catch!!
    thanks. Will start with those

  20. #17
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    I tried to PM you, but it seems I'm not allowed to do that yet. I have a list of what I was able to ID plus prices of sales on eBay, if you're interested, just to give you an idea.

    By the way, I noticed you're from Maryland. That's where I grew up!

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  22. #18
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLimits View Post
    I tried to PM you, but it seems I'm not allowed to do that yet. I have a list of what I was able to ID plus prices of sales on eBay, if you're interested, just to give you an idea.

    By the way, I noticed you're from Maryland. That's where I grew up!
    Yeah, probably you need some sort of moderator approval first. I can't PM you yet either

    Thanks for the info you collected although as I understand those can vary quite a bit based on the condition of the piece, which can also vary quite a bit. SO let me start sorting them out and I will keep you posted. This might take me weeks, unfortunately, between my dayjob, kids' activities etc etc. But I do need to move those since I have no space left in my basement!

    BTW, are you a member on the vintage computing forum? Haven't visited them forever...

    Where in MD are you from?

  23. #19
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    Yes, I'm a member of the vc forum. I'm originally from Baltimore, but we moved to Columbia when I was a kid, so that's where I grew up. My folks live over by College Park now. How about you?

    BTW, with respect to your "museum," I'm not sure, but my hunch is that you might actually do better on the Heathkit components if you offer them as a whole system. That would be saving somebody a lot of time and effort trying to track down the individual pieces. Plus if there's anything that's not functional, your buyer might nevertheless value it more highly because it's part of a system. Too bad you didn't get any software with it so you could test it. If you want, I can ask if there's anybody in your area who could check it for you. Not sure what else you have in those piles, but there's probably more good stuff.

    I've started a support ticket to find out why I can't receive PMs. I'm new here, so I can understand not being able to send them, but I would have thought it would be OK to receive them.

  24. #20
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLimits View Post
    Yes, I'm a member of the vc forum. I'm originally from Baltimore, but we moved to Columbia when I was a kid, so that's where I grew up. My folks live over by College Park now. How about you?

    BTW, with respect to your "museum," I'm not sure, but my hunch is that you might actually do better on the Heathkit components if you offer them as a whole system. That would be saving somebody a lot of time and effort trying to track down the individual pieces. Plus if there's anything that's not functional, your buyer might nevertheless value it more highly because it's part of a system. Too bad you didn't get any software with it so you could test it. If you want, I can ask if there's anybody in your area who could check it for you. Not sure what else you have in those piles, but there's probably more good stuff.

    I've started a support ticket to find out why I can't receive PMs. I'm new here, so I can understand not being able to send them, but I would have thought it would be OK to receive them.
    There is a working 386 that almost boots. Almost since I don't have a keyboard (DIN-type) for it. But I hooked it up to an LCD monitor through VGA and it does show booting until the "keyboard not detected" message.

    Kind of cool, by the way: 386 machine with an LCD monitor

    Anyway, I have a couple of other old PCs in the pile. Might want to go through them first actually, to clear up space, since they will probably take a lot less time than the Zenith and the Heathkit to figure out if they will go to scrap pile or be sold for parts or as functional.

    I lived in CP when I went to graduate school at UMD. Still drive past it every day to/from work... Have a few friends in the Columbia-Ellicott City area
    Last edited by ilyaz; 01-11-2014 at 05:35 PM.

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