I want to first get your opinion on my craigslist advertising idea before I get start with it. I want to know your thoughts, suggestions, and also if you would be interested in this service. Once I get your feedback I will post a thread in the sellers section.
Basically what it is, is a professionally looking Craiglist Ad that has colors, fonts, pictures ect. of the service you provide in your area. The way it works is first, you give me a description of the services you provide, pictures, logos, and any other detail you want included in your ad. Next, I design a professional looking ad on Craigslist and then you start getting calls to pick stuff up. I use these ads and they work great, I get calls everyday from them. I feel they set me apart from the other scrappers out there. I will charge a flat rate to design the page and then small monthly service charge to keep it active and for maintenance. The number has been deleted in this picture but, in the normal ads the phone number appears in large numbers on the top and bottom of the page.
I attached a sample of an ad that I made.
Let me know what you think and if you would be interested.