computer lots go every day on the auctions for that kind of price. why, I don't know othe then they are considered surrplus rather then scrap. .60 fo scrap computes is just plain nuts.
If you and he/she are local , start here: deduct .10 minimum per lb for shipping, you ae hauling them at your expence. you ae going to reduce his labor expence, deduct another .10. how much pe sq foot is his storage space worth to him. deduct another .10. he pays no more then .10 per lb fo them, so you ae going to doubble his investment, no muss no fuss, no labor , no storage cost, no shipping cost. win win for both of you, this is the fomula I used on both my local yards.
now go close the deal, and just pm me for the addess as to where to send my 10% consulting fee
