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When I got my first Windows-based computer back in 1991.....Fast forward twenty years or so, the requirement for etiquette has disappeared completely. What happened?
There has been a gradual shift in the paradigm where people just don't care about the fine details anymore. I started my online life back in the 80's on the Commodore 64 using BBS systems and AOL.. which back then went by the name "Quantum-Link" until they started to serve the IBM PC community.
Back then, if you couldn't properly use the English language, punctuation, etc. in typed text, you were usually ignored, shunned or otherwise considered a social outcast in most online circles. Now it's the exact opposite. If you go on some of these message forums where the majority of the people are of that "Millennial" generation, they think that YOU are the one that's stupid if you correct their incomplete sentence fragments and improper use of punctuation.
In fact I would say that because our society is much busier doing more things in less time, even people in the business community are starting to accept mediocrity in written communication. There used to be a time when the success of your resume depended on everything from the quality of the paper to your choice of words. Now they require you type it into a small website window where they just scan for certain key words. Many employers are too busy to even check to see if you can write your own name much less put together a group of words to make a sentence.