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How good are these e-scrap prices?

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    PickerBenny started this thread.
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    Exclamation How good are these e-scrap prices?

    was going through my local craigslist when i came upon a "wanted ad" for computer scraps and parts, copied their "price list" and posted them below.

    Craigslist Link: Paying Cash For Old Scrap Computers & Parts

    Motherboards- $1.25 lb
    Ram- $3.00 lb
    Rambus ram (metal covered)- $2.00 lb
    Slot Processor- $3.50 lb
    Green Fiber CPU $2.00 lb
    Pentium 4 CPU- $1.00 lb
    Hard Drive- $0.25 lb
    Power supplies $0.08 lb
    Cell Phones- $1.50lb
    Laptop's P1-P4- $0.30 lb
    Whole Computer P1-P3- $2.00
    Whole Computer P4- $2.00
    Computer Cards- $1.00 lb
    Ceramic CPU- $ 10.00 lb
    Network Equipment $0.06 lb
    xbox 360 or PS3 $1.00 each
    Modems and Routers $0.06lb
    Servers $3.00 each

    just wanted to know if its worth taking in. how are these prices compared to yours? its right down the street from me and wouldnt be a hassle. have 2 towers 1 with pentium d dual 3.0 and a p4 2.4. 2 laptops one dell and one lenovo.

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  3. #2
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Honestly, at the first level buyer level my prices are still three times that quote. And I pick up, weigh out material, pay cash and destroy hard drives no charge. Sounds like a fly by night middle man. If you turn it in to them, keep your hard drive.

  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Great prices if you are the one buying at those prices and then selling to one of ours buyers. Other wise save up your material and check out our buyers on the forum.

    I ship my material from down at the end of the road on the coastal N.C. to northern Ohio and it makes sense to me.

    Take your time and don't sell before you are certain where you should sell. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  6. #4
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    I'm currently paying 3.00 each per computer around here just to get material in the door. Also i only have gotten 1 PS3 in and sold it on ebay for a good price, way more than a dollar. As was already mentioned,You could pay that much and still turn a profit selling to one of our buyers on here, even with shipping costs.
    Last edited by RustnGrease; 04-14-2014 at 07:27 PM.

  7. #5
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Don't sell to him. Looks like he will make about a 75% turnaround. I wish I could list these prices and still get business. He is looking for un-informed people. You, and all of us, are informed more than most people because of this forum.

  8. #6
    Immulmen's Avatar
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    I am going to single out gold ram at $3lb. It costs me about 40c/lb to ship to the buyer on this forum so I would have $3.40 invested and sell it for $13.75. Sounds like a good deal for me but not the person I bought it from.

  9. #7
    jiffy117's Avatar
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    Some of the worst prices I have seen on here... Shop around, location is not everything

  10. #8
    1956's Avatar
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    Not doing much e-waste myself just from what I read on here, sounds to me that the guy is trying to buy some material from people on Craig's list and not dealers or scrapers.its not a bad idea for you guys doing e-scrap.

  11. #9
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    sadly i buy at lower than these prices and get good streams of people to sell to me as when i tried to offer nice higher prices i did not get hardly and business cause people saved and sold to other buyers but now they cant do so with the econ so much in the crapper so they got to sell fast and hard to make money so me offering 0.60lb for motherboards is a good deal when I will pick them up weigh them and pay them when other companies will not even come to pick up 1000lbs around here unless there paying 1.20lb or less there is one that will be it must be weighed out there and have to drive with them and use gas to do so to get a pre-paid card.
    I want to offer more but I learned not to around here but when the market changes again I will be able to

  12. #10
    Maiwand's Avatar
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    It depends on the area. I offer more than that, but hardly get anything. Again the more suppliers the lower I think the price will go and same is true with buyers in your local area.

  13. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    sadly i buy at lower than these prices and get good streams of people to sell to me as when i tried to offer nice higher prices i did not get hardly and business cause people saved and sold to other buyers but now they cant do so with the econ so much in the crapper so they got to sell fast and hard to make money so me offering 0.60lb for motherboards is a good deal when I will pick them up weigh them and pay them when other companies will not even come to pick up 1000lbs around here unless there paying 1.20lb or less there is one that will be it must be weighed out there and have to drive with them and use gas to do so to get a pre-paid card.
    I want to offer more but I learned not to around here but when the market changes again I will be able to
    Wow I need to move back home.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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