Originally Posted by
@ geroge, in his original thread he said "especially if your just starting out, ... Or part time" the point of the thread was to offer a useful tip to someone who is not in the position, or doesn't have the desire to spend $50 -$60 +, there is no need to argue his point just because printing your own cards doesn't work for you.
And I know it has been mentioned before, but you joined this forum less than a month ago, and have IMO flooded it with useless posts, almost 300 in just a couple weeks and you ain't added any useful info. You have either been disagreeing with some ones opinion, or reposting information as your own tips for "newbies"
No offense but I have a hard time believing you as being knowledgeable in any are of scrapping or recycling. I could be mistakin but weren't you the one who asked what a gaylord was just about a week or two ago?
And honestly, please don't take offense, I could be wrong.. its been known to happen. I'm just tryin to let you know that some if the things you post/ the way you word things is really damaging any credibility you may have had, at least to myself anyway.
I was merely stating what I have done to save money long term. He is/was looking a cheap solution. If you look at long term, versus short term, it is very affordable, especially considering the cost of ink anymore.
I bought my current cards almost a year ago, and I still haven't gone through half of them, and I am always out.
There is plenty of ways to come up with $60 real quick.
When I started out, I did the same thing..bought cards from walmart, and ink. Next thing I knew, ink was outrageous, and the cards were good, but if they got wet, they were ruined, could tear easily, if you put them anywhere but your dash board, they could bend and tear easily, and so on.
I also made my suggestion, because if he chose to have a company do it for him, FedEX is the CHEAPEST. I called so many printing companies and it was all over $150 upwards of $300.
And no one was arguing. Simply giving out an idea, and a cheap method in the long run of doing
business cards. Plain and simple, and yet everyone wants to see so many other things.
I don't disagree with anyone. Again, I just state my own experience or the experience of others near me that I know personally.
No one asked you to believe me. I am not here for some popularity contest or to make a gazillion friends. I simply did a search for a scrap metal forum in the hopes of finding better ways to make money than how I already am doing scrapping, and I have found a ton of information.
Also, I apologize since apparently I didn't know that a prerequisite to scrapping was knowing what a gaylord box is. Not like people at my scrap yard yell out the name 24/7.
That is why people ask questions, when they don't know something.
Again, I am not looking to gain credibility here. I was looking for information to make more money on my business, and I keep finding it here and there.
You, Kris Kringle, and thefatman, can all have your opinion of me, good or bad, as well as anyone else for that matter. Doesn't really bother me in the least.

Originally Posted by
Kris Kringle
Thank You Bobby you have said it nicer then me. I have told a few others about his schemes. I have yet to see anything that has been posted that is a Orginal thought or Experience in the 285+ posts that has been posted Just a Rehash of Information that has been previously Posted by others on this Forum. Reminds me of that Cartoon Character Curious George.
And what schemes exactly would that be?
Also, this is a scrap metal forum, bases on 1 subject, and 1 subject only. It is not like other forums on the net that have more than 1 subject, so yes, a majority of the time, you will get the same type of information from everyone. We are all in the same industry, all from different parts of the country, and all have our own way of doing things.
If none of you like what I have to say, there is what is called a report post button, next to the thanks button.