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  1. #1
    Mechanic688 started this thread.
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    Understanding the difference of circuit board parts.

    Here are some pictures of some components that people have asked what they look like. A picture is worth a thousand words.

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  2. #2
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    thanks for the link. some components might look similiar to each other like the capacitors, but some may contain precious metal while others may not . i wonder what would be a good way to tell if any have the precious metal content, other than chemical testing,(color ,shape ,markings,age,or what component it came out of.)

  3. #3
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    So I know this has probably been asked and covered a thousand times...and I remember reading on some of it...but does it all have it's own "value?" like a box of resistors, a box of capacitors, a box of transistors, a box of "chips" (what they refer to as "integrated circuits"....I usually leave this stuff on the boards and just remove the transformers/motors and anything with copper and alum. heatsinks...I've never brought boards in yet so don't know how they will react to this...

  4. #4
    Mechanic688 started this thread.
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    I believe the value to be so minimal that you would be talking about a truckload of any one component before you would have any real value. I just sell the boards (low grade) whole minus the transformers and alum. heatsinks.

  5. #5
    Dru702's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gnraxlrose88 View Post
    So I know this has probably been asked and covered a thousand times...and I remember reading on some of it...but does it all have it's own "value?" like a box of resistors, a box of capacitors, a box of transistors, a box of "chips" (what they refer to as "integrated circuits"....I usually leave this stuff on the boards and just remove the transformers/motors and anything with copper and alum. heatsinks...I've never brought boards in yet so don't know how they will react to this...
    I remove integrated circuits from my low grade boards along with motors and alum heat sinks. Ewaste buyers will currently buy them for 6.00 a lb at least. But that's it, I've tried looking online for other items such as capacitors. I know they are made of alum but the only buyer I was able to find wanted tons of them, literally, and they were only paying .12 cents a lb thats only 2-3 cents more then what low grade boards sell for its not worth the time IMO.

  6. #6
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Awesome link! Thanks!
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