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  1. #1
    silverockdzl started this thread.
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    Stripping insulated copper wire for cash money

    Hey guys. Here is a video I said I would make showing my wire stripper cutting through some insulated wire. I am planning to do another video stripping larger cable. Enjoy!

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  3. #2
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    that's not to bad for small amounts of wire I bought a electric one a few years back now and its super fast and requires no real extra effort most casings fly right off but some I do have to peel but this one looks like it takes to many trys to do it and does not cut clean like the ones I bought before like this one. thanks for the video though and have fun its good to strip wire to make that much extra money it pays so much higher

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  5. #3
    silverockdzl started this thread.
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    A couple more videos.

  6. #4
    Thecamokid's Avatar
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    How well does a machine like that do with wires that have bends or kinks in them? I've been thinking about buying one but I get so much wire that have bends in it that I just don't know if I will be happy with my purchase

  7. #5
    silverockdzl started this thread.
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    Hey Camo... So far most of my wire has been 8 to 12 gauge. I haven't had a lot of bends in the cable but when I do, I will message or pull the bend out and straighten the wire as much as I can and it goes through the stripper pretty well. If the wire has a kink in it, I will cut the kink out and strip two wire pieces. The larger cable has to be pretty straight to go through the stripper. If the larger cable is kinky(haha), I will just use a utility knife to strip it. I previously posted that this stripper is now priced around $229. So, it is $50 less than what I paid. It will pay for itself quickly if you get a good amount of wire to put through it. silverockdzl

  8. #6
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    To be upfront on my comment I watched the videos while the wife was watching tv so I did not listen to the narrative.

    I had a similarly designed wire stripper and have a couple of suggestions. I cut the wire into sections that are easy to handle while using the stripper. Next on the larger wire like in the videos I would run them through a second time. For me the second cut made removing the insulation easier and rarely needed the use of pliers. The second cut I made was not in the first cut which is why the insulation was easier to remove, often the insulation would fall off.

    Thanks for some great videos. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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