Originally Posted by
c4f5, I didnt think my situation allowed me to save up that copper either til I saw a guy at the yard bring in a tub full of stripped copper his payday was about 300 bucks for the one container full! Now I strip electrical cords and save every piece of copper i find! I want that big payday myself! just sayin!
Yes, I understand and want this. Once upon a time, I did this. Save up a few barrels full & run them to Cheyenne for a few grand. Over the past 3-4 years, alot of negatives have gone down. We had just financed a decent home in the middle of nowhere...right where I like it. We had a good savings, and a couple of decent CD's. We were even starting to talk about mutual funds. Then I got in a fight with a falling tree....I lost this fight. I was busted up pretty badly. I will never be 100% again, but I am going as strong as I can. But before I was up and going again, my wife also had an accident that laid her up for a few months. Before she got up and going again, the doctors found her with cancer. Now she is in full remission and is as healed up as she can get, but I'm sure you can imagine the financial disaster that has ensued as a result of these and a few other major malfunctions that I won't bother you with. We have managed to keep our home thus far. I'm at the point now, of deciding from month to month, which utitities to keep on and wondering from day to day what my kids are eating tomorrow. 2 years ago, we actually had to seek welfare help for food and medical for the kids. I fear I am near that point again. The only place to go from here is up....I hope. If all goes well, I should have an auto core load ready to go by the end of the summer. That should be about a $20k payday, and should hopefully allow me to put at least some logic back in my game, instead of scraping by from one day to the next.
Understand that I am not seeking sympathy. Just wanted you to have an idea of where I'm coming from & where I hope to be going soon.
Having found this forum and some of the tips offered herein, has helped take the edge off, but we are still in an unbelievably tight spot. Thanks to everyone who has laid out said tips.
Hey Dee, if I did the other kind of stripping, I'd go broke faster than I am now, lol.