This video is not the best but I will do a better video another time with a full size screen (not using my cell phone)
But here you go.
If you sub my youtube you will get other videos that will come out as well over time.
This video is not the best but I will do a better video another time with a full size screen (not using my cell phone)
But here you go.
If you sub my youtube you will get other videos that will come out as well over time.
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Easy, I have 5 circuit boards that, from that video should go into high grade category. They were from that LCD I tore down. Can i post a pic for you on here for some guidance? Just so you know, b/c of your positive rep I have been seriously thinking about sending my stuff to you once I am able. That was a great video and I would have torn the crap outta some of those cd drives just to see whats inside.............not worth it huh?
Thanks for taking the time outta your life to educate us man. When we all stick together and teach each other, this country could very well be on the verge of a recycling revolution. I can't wait to take Logansport by storm! HAHA
Yes you are more than welcome to post any photo. I will grade any kind of E-waste so that you will have a understanding of WHAT you have an what it is worth.
An no worries about saying thank you about me grading and or giving guidance. I do what I can to help other people.
Good video. I have some platters from hard drives, do you buy them?
I try to stay away from the platters as we don't get very many of them.
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thanks, easy, that was very informative. "They" say a picture is worth a thousand words, but your narrative is what really makes your video's so very valuable to us. Things most of us have had hazy negatives of in our "minds eye" are starting to develop into...well, pictures worth a thousand words. Thanks again. Don't work too hard.
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At 70 cents a pound, I can hardly afford to ship hard drives. Is the board high grade? I don't mind tearing them down at all. Or is there something else in there that makes the dinger ring?
Hard drives will be more or less something you put into the box when you send me motherboards or something else.
You can save them up an put them onto a pallet an send them that way. Its far cheaper to send things by pallet 99% of the time.
(Pallet of hard drives = 1000 pounds at $0.70 = 700 cost to ship should be around $150 so you will get around 0.55 per pound.)
If you DO go to send me 1,000 pounds of hard drives tho. I can pay as much as $0.90 tho an that will help off set the cost of shipping. As with me..the more weight you send...the better the pricing gets.
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But the hard drives will still add to the weight of the package. With that in mind, who have you found to have the best deals on shipping say a 50 pound box of materials?
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I’ll pay $4 per lb for the hard drive boards. Large flat rate box is about $15 shipping. Sell the rest as dirty AL or clean it if you like.
The boards have some of the money but the disks inside are worth more. Thing is....they have to STAY CLEAN NO DUST. That is why they HAVE to stay closed up.
I use to ship with both FedEx an UPS but no longer remember the pricing as I send everything by gaylord now but I would look into both of those companies.
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im a little confused. well at my age im always a little confused, but any way earlier in the thread you said you wern particularly intrested in HD platters, but then later you said the disks were more valuable then the boards. and that they had to be kept dust free. like in ip lock bags? how about a new vid " platters and boards disks an risks".seariously tell us exactly what you are interesteded in in the HDz and us SIS scrappers will provide.
really thanks for all the effort help and hard work . as I have stated in other posts loyalty is # 1 with me, you have my bis as long as the $ even come close to making sence.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 07-25-2011 at 07:57 AM.
Thank you very much for that statement. The deal with the hard drive is this.
The disks are worth money but they cant get dirty. The hard drive on it self as we all know is AL an the board on the bottom is a high grade motherboard.
That is why I am paying the same price as CLEAN AL. I am sending them off to be broken down an I make a little off the board (there is no real weight to that takes a lot of them to make some nice weight) an then I make a some off the disks inside of it.
The case of the hard drive weights more than what you will pull out of the board an the disks inside of it. But if you go removing the board then you cut half into any profit I had left. You open the hard drive just made it harder to recover the metal on the disks as NOW it has a longer processing it has to go thought to be clean. If they are open in a clean place...they can just simply remove the metal an no cleaning has to be done.
How they process it? I would not know off hand as I send it off to be done by experts who do it the right way for both safety and environmentally. They just have told me if they are open...It costs me more for processing an a longer processing time.
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ok, thx, for the info
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I have like 4 of the disks I already pulled out of my first hard drive. Would I get anything if I sent them to you along with other stuff? Or do you not even want them?
There's nothing more fun and more effective than hitting something repeatedly with a sledgehammer
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same prob here...I took some out before I knew this, and I was disappointed when I saw your reply that you weren't buying them, but also thankful that I learned it now, so I can leave them whole from now on. Might take me a while to fill up a gaylord though !! Thanks easy.
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Alright. Into the shredder pile they go
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