We have had a few posts on Ink Cartridge recycling. Here are a few links with what they pay for them...
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We have had a few posts on Ink Cartridge recycling. Here are a few links with what they pay for them...
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It might be obvious, but what do they do with them? I guess refill them.
I know theres gold in the contacts, is there any gold in the print head part?
NZ's a like small town on a deserted island, we don't have any proper escrap buyers or bigger inkjet recyclers.
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Would be nice, but I would prefer to get paid up front for the cartridges. Plus, with the buyer prices, probably cheaper shipping wise to just take them to staples and get store credit.
George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!
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how convenient, i just got 5 of them from my IT team about 10 min ago. big suckers.
Even store credit at staples will come in handy
We're the renegades of Junk!
If anyone has ink jets or toners, please private message us. We buy all ink and toner cartridges. Some scrap ones don't have much value, but we will beat any online price for buy backs.
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These are the people i use.
They accept inkjets, laser toners, phones, laptops, tablets, and IPods! I'm not sure if they pay well or not, but you get a free starter kit and they pay for the shipping!
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Here's another one eCycle Group - Home
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I looked into that. My understanding from reading the rules about that is, you have to be a Staples customer with their store card to get credit for them. They just dont want folks walking in off the streets to get credit for them. I think Office Depot was the same, or one of those other stores I looked into for the same thing. so that isnt going to do me any good as I never frequent Staples or Office max or any of htose stores.
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^^^Edit out the extra ''http'' and it will work. or just try this and it should work:
Their list isn't as large as the E Cycle Group site though
Last edited by newattitude; 09-04-2012 at 02:42 AM.
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I used E-cycle several times and each time I have shipped in several hundred pounds of ink cartridges just to have them disqualify them for payment...so I got screwed...BE CAREFUL USING E-CYCLE GROUP!!!
"It's better to be thought of as a fool then to speak and remove all doubt!"
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Thanks MisScrap. I have the free boxes and labels from them, I haven't sent in a load to them yet and even though *I* think the cartridges are good, who knows if they will disqualify them. Its a crap shoot for sure but at least it doesn't cost me anything to ship them and maybe make some money.
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hey attitude, i didnt frequent staples either, but now i try to show up there once a month with 10 cartriges.
thats the limit per month, but the store credit coupons they issue are good for almost 90 days, so i wait till i have $40 store credit at one time, and then go shopping.
I typically will spend a few bucks over the $40 mark, but i get a lot of good stuff for just showing up once a month. They sell coffee, fyi.
It also doesnt hurt that my local staples shares a parking lot with home depot.
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Filthy, do you have their store card? Do they track if you spend money before giving you store credit for the cartridges?
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I have a card from Staples and Office Max. Office Max makes you spend the same amount before the allow you to use the credit. Staples just gives you the credit to spend. I take them to Staples now once I figured that out. Talked my mom into going with me next time to get a card so I can basically get double the amount per month to spend. I've got more than enough cartridges sitting around here to have her take 10 as well.
I got the kids school supplies and a stockpile of refill ink, now I'm working on stocking up on some household items. The toilet paper/paper towels etc. are higher than a supermarket, but I'm getting them all for free basically so I won't complain.
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Misscrap; I use e-cycle group all the time and never had a problem. First of all if the cartridges have already been remanufactured they will not pay you for them. Second you have to look them up on thier website price list, if they are not listed they will not buy. Third if they are damaged they can not be reused and they will not pay for them. If the print head is scrached they will not accept them.
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Filthy, my last coupon I just got from Staples was only good for 30 day so you might check to see if their expired. My last purchase cost me .07
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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I knew that..but I opened up the NEW packages myself before sending the cartridges to them...I did put a couple phone calls into their customer service and they did resolve the issue...
I had started using another cartridge recycler since the issue I had....I figured I might as well send them 1 package just to see how they'd do after my calling in (I send out about 2 of the large UPS boxes a week) and my next shipment all of the cartridges were accepted & paid for...guess it does pay to call in...but I didn't like that I had to go that far.
On the shipment I was referring to..I literally opened up the brand new inkjet cartridges before putting them in a box with bubble wrap, then sending them out, and they said that only 11 out of 89 were payable...then when I called in no response...sent an email no response...it wasn't until about a month later when I had remembered and called them a second time that the issue was resolved.
You may have never had an issue with them but I did...and my time is money...
I don't like having to call out someones dishonesty before they deal with me fairly... Just my .02 you know...
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