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Well this may be true he may be screwing me but I tell you what he screws very good because I can't find anyone to beat his prices he also screws most of the junkyards in the area including one you may be familiar with LKQ because he buys from them also. He doesn't just buy cats he also buys al rims batteries and copper for what I consider to be good prices except his copper price I don't like but that's ok because I've never sold any copper.
I wouldnt call it "screwing" you, he tells you what hes going to pay and you accept it. Listen, there is no magic with converters, they are what they are, at the end of the day all the large end buyers, the decanners, not the guys buying 50-100 cats here and there..pay the same prices within a few dollars, its all in the grading. Anyone can buy cats from a large yard, anyone can put the highest prices on a sheet of paper or quote them on the spot. Take a GM for example, It dosnt matter where you sell it, right now in this market it is not going to be worth more than $128, now every cat buyer knows that every yard, scrapper, garage, etc knows what a large GM is, so they jack up the price for this one cat paying exactly or sometimes even higher than the cat is actually worth, but when it comes to the other 90% of cats, a large foreign is grade as a medium, a small as a low grade etc, so while you got paid good on the 1 cat you know, you lost $20-30 on the ones you didnt, this is how the majority of cat buyers make their money. Lets be honest here, do you really think a cat buyer is going to pay out $100 or more to make $1? I personally work on a $5 profit margin on each cat, I dont car if its a GM, a honda 02, a high grade straight ede or a low grade pre, I make $5... this way I dont have to make up names, categories or stories on why one is worth $130 and another $80 when they are the exact same cat.