- 15 older towers with one surprise
- "Breaking Down" CPU's for Maximum$
- What processor is duo core?
- Got some PC towers. Worried about Kiddie Porn
- Got some PC towers. Want to rule out stolen property
- Do You Have E-scrap Questions? Click here
- Ways To Perform Information Destruction On Hard Drives
- Gold fingers
- Old 386 and 486 desktops and towers
- Free disk wipe software
- question of tv curcit boards
- dell monitors
- How to kill hard drives fast and simple
- My Local E-waste Prices
- Motherboard Discussion Looking for buyer's responses and other perspectives as well.
- Looking for an E Scrap Buyer...
- Refiner proposal
- Broke down my first computer today
- boards from car radio's
- Motherboard Removal Dell DHM
- CPU: Gold Plated heat spreaders
- Grid Pin Arrays encasing the CPU: Gold pins vs. Silver-colored pins
- List of PC desktops with valuable CPUs
- Does this old CPU still work?
- Recycling Motherboard Integrated Circuits
- More CPUs
- Electronic Musical Equipment
- Intel 486 SX 25 Built in to Motherboard. Anyone know scrap value
- Possibly 100+ crt's available
- cell modules for alarms
- comparative motherbaord valuation
- Handheld Laser Barcode Scanners
- Some Possible Stratigies For Getting More Products
- board grades
- UGG Apples!
- CL ad: how much would you pay for this?
- tty/tdd equipment
- Electronic buyers, did i hit the mother load?
- Networking..its not just for computers!
- looking for somewhere to sell e scrap in virginia or close
- Picked up an old computer today not sure what it is
- I just picked up one of these. OOOOOld IBM portable
- What grade are these CPU's
- Your Buying Strategy
- Craigslist score.
- GRADE THAT BOARD! It's a new E-Scrapper gameshow!
- old RAM chips
- Had a fun, profitable and knowledge increasing day.
- AS 400 mainframes
- Big day on the road today!
- Laptops
- New Pictures from an E-cycling Adventure
- Escrap buyers? Worth anything
- Best way to ship boards
- More Q's On Cable Ends
- power supply cords
- Hard drive destruction
- Escrap Refiners
- Recent Board finds
- Help with board grades please
- Heatsinks
- Ya'll think it's worth 175 just want some opinions on this deal i have
- Mouse Balls
- What would you offer?
- MY first package arrived how exciting
- Testing Equipment
- MY First Ewaste "Mother Load"
- IC Chips
- Looking Up Old Memory
- Calling All Australians
- E recycling in 3rd world countries.
- First Question
- e-scrap canada
- Stupid amateur mistake with a Playsation 2
- you guys would kill me
- Latest ewaste shipment breakdown
- Customer asking for "paperwork" for items picked up for free
- cable boxes and equip
- Results From Scrapping A Monitor
- What do you think this lot will go for? Over 3000 towers. There is big one as well.
- Approx Value of Pentium Pro Chips
- Possible eload
- What kind of cpu is this?
- LCD Monitor tear down
- Are people on Ebay nuts?
- Do you break these down?
- Looking forward to doing more business with EASYRECYCLE - Very Satisfied $$$
- new to e-waste
- Scrap and e-waste buyers in australia
- Help I need Advice from Professionals!
- Seeking Thoughts On My New Website
- new to the forum
- need a GOOD e waste buyer.
- Potential Whale!
- E-Scrap Shipping?
- Gold ends
- Constant escrap load opportunity. input welcomed!
- Advice needed on server purchase.
- NW buyer?
- newbe question
- My first e-waste selling experience!
- Board Grade ID Please
- Need the experts advice!!
- first flat screen from the trash
- List of CPU Chips / Gold Content
- New Cheap Marketing Technique
- test for gold?
- In mac multiplexing units
- Grade of this board, is it gold?
- Picked up 80 of these yesterday.
- Research before Scrap -- Painful learning
- My Yard Offers To Purchase Computer Keyboards and Printers at $.025 per pound
- Good news - bad news
- what have I done....
- Need help for value on PCMIA wireless card?
- Gold plated dlp chips
- tv degaussing cable
- old skool Apple all-in-ones
- Going to clean out an office today
- IDE Cables
- Nice Little Pick Up
- Wood Chipper to Plastic Chipper...Anyone?
- Eproms/IC chips
- Small capacity hard drives
- Mother board with gold fingers?
- Got an odd call about something
- People With RAM
- Small Electric Motors From Printers/etc
- Gloves For E-waste
- Does anyone else see this in the yards you go to?
- Call today from Habitat!
- Check the nooks and crannies
- Atari Video Game ROM
- Is ther an accurate list on CPU gold content?
- Any opinions on this lot
- Cleaning out an arcade storage warehouse and arcade repair shop PICS
- Advice/Help wanted on these items...
- And the Results are in!
- old lcd displays
- New to EScrap
- Marketing Push!
- Magnetic Media Buyers?
- Beating the snot out of monitor boards
- repost of sorts: have you tried scrap exchange?
- Tried to buy computers from the yard i use
- I fell in it today...
- Laptop Motherboard question
- Value of circuit boards
- Electronic Ballast as E-scrap?
- Can you grade this board?
- " ONE-THOUSAND " Old out of date Motorola Pagers
- E cyclers - How things are weighed
- potentail score
- My Method For Discharging a Flyback
- I think I'm going to need a bigger Boat...Er I mean Truck!
- E-scrap buyer question.
- My little jackpot
- Gold refining from motherboards.
- LCDs Printers & ABS Plastic
- Would an oscillating tool work to remove components from a power supply board?
- Any Tip's on CRT's
- A Week's Work, Not Bad for a New Guy?
- Printers
- eScrap Breakdown
- CPU question
- SHould I drop the prices I pay for towers?
- terminology of e scrap
- Maximising my $crap
- Gold Board From An IBM Monitor
- CPU adapter, whats it made of?
- Need Advice ASAP!!! Possible motherload
- Gold fingers???
- 40" lg tv
- Gold Centipede anyone??
- EPROM with gold windows.. Where to sell
- Where do these come from? Anyone know?
- PCB's for Sale and more
- Another Mother Load
- Guess on what this is worth in todays market?
- Question to Escrap buyers about IC chips
- e scrap in ms?
- New Ewaste Buyer Near Me
- Charlotte, NC area
- Questions for Ewasted or others, whale update
- Yesterday was a gooden
- UK prices what do you think
- First try at E scrap- lots of 80s stuff
- "Motherload" update
- Question on ID, Make-up of items.
- Old Stereo Equipment Receivers Are Full Of Goodies
- Board grade?
- Help or ideas for shipping ewaste
- Archiving System?
- Maximum spent to buy computer?
- Cisco Switches. My results
- New Record For Transformer Size--for me :)
- yes another question on harddrive value: sell together or separate?
- A Few noob questions
- Deguassing cable from monitor/tv
- What kind of price you guys getting for computer ribbon cable
- Was this a good deal?
- Any Aussies used an E-Scrap buyer in Sydney???
- Headed to Ohio drop off and board sort
- Surprising find
- Persistence
- PCB Consensus
- Cable Modems
- Boston seller?
- HardPlastics#5
- Sometimes you get lucky with auctions
- Anybody used this company?
- Payphone boards
- Satellite Reciever Board grade?
- Twin Cities e-waste buyers?
- New to me CPU from an industrial board
- Looking For CPU Pics
- GUTS of a Server UPS
- Todays Project 1999 Compaq DeskTop
- Hard Drive Part Help
- Scrapping the case
- I'm exhausted...
- E-waste Question
- Tried posting earlier..no replies? Where is everybody? What about those laser boxes??
- Sun Enterprise Server 250 here is what I got from it.
- My ceramic stash
- DVD player ICs -- surprising values
- Small LCD screen
- Crazy Ass Auctions
- Scap is everywhere
- How good a deal is this?
- The small silver ceramic discs in fridge compressor starters & the odd CRT Tv
- Inbox to forum
- Server buy question
- Selling e-scrap
- Tower buy question...
- power supply gold finger question
- Tell me if you would take this.
- Price per Pound (to Pay)
- When the good times come, They really come!
- My First Run to the Yard - 50 CRTs
- Latest e-scrap break-through and garage sale adventure...
- What to deduct for missing hard drive?
- Printers parts and toner
- Taco Bell Cash register monitor computer thing?
- How much do i offer for car computers?
- E-scrap buyer in Carolinas???
- Pentium Ceramic mmx??
- Good Advice
- Apple iMac G3 find