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  1. #1
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    selling on eBay: do you ask for feedback?

    When you sell something on ebay, and do not get feedback from a buyer after awhile, do you contact them and ask for it? Do you only leave feedback for a buyer after they left you feedback?

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  3. #2
    JohnM's Avatar
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    Yes, and yes

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  5. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Never, if the buyer wishes to remain anonymous I respect that.

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  7. #4
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    NEVER ask for Feed Back

    You may not like what they leave

    NEG >> How's this for your Feed back << Or something similar

    There are no prizes for who has the most Feed Back
    There are no discounts for who has the most Feed Back

  8. #5
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    NEVER ask for Feed Back

    You may not like what they leave

    NEG >> How's this for your Feed back << Or something similar

    There are no prizes for who has the most Feed Back
    There are no discounts for who has the most Feed Back
    feedback is reputation. When I bid on something, I certainly look at seller's feedback. Not a deciding factor, but important nevertheless.

    Also, if someone leaves negative feedback, isn't there a way dispute it with ebay? Of course, it means time spent doing that, but I am not sure buyers can just randomly leave bad feedback without any consequences, don't they have to be ready to substantiate it somehow?

  9. #6
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilyaz View Post
    feedback is reputation. When I bid on something, I certainly look at seller's feedback. Not a deciding factor, but important nevertheless.
    I shop by TOTAL Price
    I make the purchase from the Seller that has my item for the lowest TOTAL Price
    I pay with PayPal so if there should be a problem, I will get a FULL refund
    Item price + what I paid for the shipping & handling

    Quote Originally Posted by ilyaz View Post
    Also, if someone leaves negative feedback, isn't there a way dispute it with ebay? Of course, it means time spent doing that, but I am not sure buyers can just randomly leave bad feedback without any consequences, don't they have to be ready to substantiate it somehow?
    eBay will RARELY remove Negative Feed Back left for a Seller short of a court order
    OR if the Buyer mentions a dispute in the Feed Back

    Otherwise they (eBay) says it is the Buyers opinion and they can say what they want

    There are no consequences for the Buyer that left it and they don't they have to be ready to substantiate it somehow

  10. #7
    DiamondN is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I usually leave pos feedback about the same time that I ship the item(s). I have never asked for feedback, as I feel that is up to the other person, if they want to, or not. That's kinda like when a waiter or waitress asks for a tip, before you are ready to leave one (or not).

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  12. #8
    JohnM's Avatar
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    There is no need to be rudely straight-forward about it. Just say you want to make sure everything was received to their satisfaction - you don't actually need to mention feedback. They will generally be glad to know you care, and are not likely to post any smart@$$ negative comments knowing you will be leaving feedback for them as well. I guess I mis-understood the question, to a degree.

    It's a matter of tying up loose ends, not asking for something.
    Last edited by JohnM; 02-06-2013 at 02:11 PM.

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  14. #9
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnM View Post
    They will generally be glad to know you care, and are not likely to post any smart@$$ negative comments knowing you will be leaving feedback for them as well.
    No matter what smart@$$ negative comments the Buyer leaves
    Sellers are ONLY allowed to leave Positive Feed Back

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  16. #10
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    No matter what smart@$$ negative comments the Buyer leaves
    Sellers are ONLY allowed to leave Positive Feed Back
    Evilbay went to hell when they cancelled the ability to tell what your experience of a buyer REALLY was.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  18. #11
    ilyaz started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnM View Post
    There is no need to be rudely straight-forward about it. Just say you want to make sure everything was received to their satisfaction - you don't actually need to mention feedback. They will generally be glad to know you care, and are not likely to post any smart@$$ negative comments knowing you will be leaving feedback for them as well. I guess I mis-understood the question, to a degree.

    It's a matter of tying up loose ends, not asking for something.
    What I have done in the past is send them a message a week or so after the shipment is marked delivered and say something like "Thank you for bidding. I hope the item is as described. Let me know if there are any problems. If all is well, I would appreciate if you could leave me feedback". So very polite.

    But I actually like the idea of KZBell to put a statement about leaving feedback in the auction description. This way it does sound like the buyer leaving feedback indicates the full completion of the transaction, which I would mark with my own feedback.

  19. #12
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    I leave feedback for every transaction. Sometimes it takes me a while to get to it. I never ask anyone for feedback

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  21. #13
    JohnM's Avatar
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    No matter what smart@$$ negative comments the Buyer leaves
    Sellers are ONLY allowed to leave Positive Feed Back
    Well that would certainly change things. I never noticed this, as I only use ebay for personal sales/purchases (company's ebay department handles all online sales for us). I still think a simple check-in is courteous, but I can see where lack of recourse would make anyone hesitant. Thanks for the info!

  22. #14
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    My listings state that I will gladly leave positive feedback for them once I know they are satisfied by reading the feedback they left for me. I don't ask for feedback.
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  24. #15
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Since I can only leave Positive anyway
    I just leave Feed Back when I ship the item

    GREAT Person to deal with!!Fantastic eBayer Immediate payment Highly recommend!

    I have left 4,680 Feedback
    I have received 3,501 Feedback as a Seller and only 603 as a Buyer on this ID
    Total of 4,104 received against 4,680 left

    I started a new ID for buying in 2009 when I found out not good idea to buy and sell on same ID

  25. #16
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Toolhaus has my list of negs

    4,279 Feedback received
    Of those >> 5 Negative and 6 Neutral

    Negative/Neutral Feedback received by johnc4x4

    My favorite is the most recent
    Sold a >> Mercedes Benz w124 300e 300te 400e Right Passenger power Heated Mirror 90 - 95
    Feed Back >> wasp nest embedded in mirror housing. kinda schocked when i opened it

    Understand I bring the part into the house and take photos
    Then it sits in the computer room until I ship it
    Trust me when I tell you there were no live wasps in that mirror

  26. #17
    JustInTime is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    Since I can only leave Positive anyway
    I just leave Feed Back when I ship the item

    GREAT Person to deal with!!Fantastic eBayer Immediate payment Highly recommend!

    I have left 4,680 Feedback
    I have received 3,501 Feedback as a Seller and only 603 as a Buyer on this ID
    Total of 4,104 received against 4,680 left

    I started a new ID for buying in 2009 when I found out not good idea to buy and sell on same ID
    Why is it not good to buy and sell on the same ID?

  27. #18
    tedanderson is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    One reason is that if you are a high volume seller.. e.g. 3000 to 4000 transactions a month, you are also going to get a certain percentage of negative feedback. Maybe 1%-3% which isn't much on the small scale but after you've racked up well over 20,000 transactions, having 400+ people leaving negative feedback doesn't exactly look good. So as a buyer with negative feedback, most sellers will reserve the right to refuse your bid.

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  29. #19
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tedanderson View Post
    So as a buyer with negative feedback, most sellers will reserve the right to refuse your bid.
    That is why I place all my bids with 2 seconds left
    No time for a Seller to Cancel a bid

    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    Why is it not good to buy and sell on the same ID?
    I post a lot on the eBay Package forum
    If you don't use a Posting ID and or your Buying ID
    You get a person that does not agree with your post and they purchase something from you just to leave a neg
    If you buy something and the deal goes south, If you use the same ID for Buying & Selling
    If you leave the Seller a NEG
    Then they just buy something from you so they can give the retaliatory NEG
    If you flip products, Buy low and sell high
    The potential Buyer looks at your Feed Back or recent purchases and finds out they just paid you $200.00 for a book you purchased 2 weeks ago for $50.00
    That is when I got my Buying ID >> May of 08

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  31. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    Why is it not good to buy and sell on the same ID?
    now that ebay has made it easier for the buyers to threaten or extort the seller with the negative strike i will not sell using my original 1st id anymore.

    when & if i return to selling it will be with a new and disposable id i could give a rats aspirin about if it gets held hostage or dinged

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