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  1. #1
    Metalbestos started this thread.
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    What is a fair price for this ewaste lot ?

    So I got some more bites on purchasing ewaste . I'm usually paying 4-5$ a computer .but this guy also has some servers and other stuff . Here are the pics he has sent me . I told him I would buy it all but I would have to see it before I quoted him a price . These are the pics he sent me .

    He said there are 30'servers 14 stand alone and 16 rack servers . Also 16 dell desktops with flat monitors.
    I have a truck , I know how to break them down , I know who to ship to , I know what a computer is worth to me $4
    Servers I have read about , I know there are 2 CPUs . But I don't know servers in general . So any advice on a fair price per server ? I was considering $150-200 would be a good price by me but then again I'm still learning more everyday so I wanted to run this by you all before I pulled the trigger or starting talking turkey with him . Thanks

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I like your price for towers an such of course.

    Can't really help ya on the servers as I rarely get them. Might change that soon, reestablished an old IT contact today.

    Also, wanted to say..Smart of you to do your research first, before committing to a price for it all.

    Good luck Metal an let us know how it works out for you.

    Sirscrapalot - When life gives you lemons, squeeze a laugh out of it. You'll feel better. - Future Sirscrapalot fortune cookie.

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  5. #3
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    I can't help either but wanted to say you have a well thought out question with many of the reader questions already answered. Also providing photos is always helpful.

    I wanted to point out to others this is the way to ask a questions when you can. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #4
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    What is a fair price for this ewaste lot ?

    I love servers. The stand alone ones usually have a raid controller card, which is a nice large finger card and usually has a stick of memory on it. Most servers I get are maxed out with 4-8 sticks of ram. Ask if the hard drives have been removed. Some of those may have 3-10 hard drives which I price at a buck each. Servers have motherboards that are about 3-5 pounds each. I pay 10-25 per stand alone server and do very well. For the rack mounted, I wouldn't pay more than 8 each. But, if there are lots of small sas or sata hds on those, you could resell and make a nice profit.

    Given all that is there, I would be willing to go to 400, maybe even 5 depending on the hard drives. Part of that is economy of scale, I'm willing to pay more per for large lots. part of that is go high to get a regular contact. other part is I bet you'll have plenty that you can ebay off of that. But no reason you can't start low in negotiations.
    Last edited by foobar; 06-27-2014 at 10:03 AM.

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  9. #5
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    What is a fair price for this ewaste lot ?

    also, if the servers are recent ( last 10 years). there are likely pinless xeon processors that could sell for 10-40 each.

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  11. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    potential re-sell there..........That is where the real profit comes in (also extra work)...........Scrap is the lowest possible price you will get for an item so anything above that is profit........

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  13. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    We have done thousands of servers. our average yield per server in 2012 was .56 per lb. last year .53. much lower this year my guess is around .48/.49. The internet is over educating the laborers (dock workers, warehouse worker, janitors etc). associated with IT suppliers. I now have a wanabe E scrapper some where in the ranks at my #1 supplier the last 3 loads any thing easy to get is missing. Even got some raid cards and finger cards with missing fingers and the copper heat sinks and CPUs are missing from all the Dells. Servers are a whole different ball game then computers.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  15. #8
    Metalbestos started this thread.
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    Thank you all for the lightening fast responses , I'm looking at these pictures and those have to be storage locker walls so Im hoping this guy has to get them out or he acquired them via auction . I will know more in the next few days . Hope to be posting a pic of them on the back of my truck. I will be sure to check them over well for components in person .

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  17. #9
    Metalbestos started this thread.
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    Ok so we rouched base , he wants $100 a computer . Yeah and I want steak for dinner every nite lol . I'm not going to bother with the pc's . I did offer him $200 for the 30 servers . Thanks to the pricing and information available in this thread . I'm going to hold firm on my offer , I really want to tear into some servers , I don't want to rip him but I also don't want to pay retail . Being these are in a storage unit they are costing him Money every month . Little things like these add up because I would have offered more if I didn't think he had to move them asap . Plus if I'm reselling parts on the net . Fees are inquired on my behalf and my time is valuable .

    Anywho thanks everyone who helped , hopefully I will be posting a pic of them on my truck in the next few days . If not I will find something else to spend my money on . Did I mention I wanted steak for dinner haha .

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  19. #10
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    Ok so we [t]ouched base , he wants $100 a computer .

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  21. #11
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    to me servers are like looking at $100bill vs. a $20bill on towers. not exact prices there but servers are amazing money like vintage. for me on price advice I offer low prices topping out at $5max on a server and $2tower more if its newer. still I offer service first and so if this is a person that may become a regular I will do a higher price because of volume and can outdo anyone if I have to in order to make the deal

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  23. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    Some of those could possibly be refurbished and sold for about $150 each. Of course, you'd need a Windows license (Linux kills value quickly), and possibly hard drives or other stuff.

    He's nuts. Dell OptiPlex's are great refurbishing computers (The stack on the left, at least), but they're common as dirt! We have an E-Waste competitor I bought from before I went into it myself. He'd sell them for $50 each all day long.
    Now, I get them for free pickup. I just have to do more work.

    I'd take that money and go buy a steak dinner if that's what you're into!

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  25. #13
    Metalbestos started this thread.
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    Yes this deal fell thru , I have not given up but there is a lot of competition on large lots online , gov deals tempts me everyday . But if I'm going to gamble these days it's on storage lockers . I get my electronics fix on top of some resell able items . I still keep my eyes on these larger lots because I can afford to . What I can't afford is losing money . I hold my time at a premium being as I can be doing several other things that garuntee profit . Awaiting my first ewaste assessment after I receive the final number I will be able to determine exactly what the time was worth after shipping and initial cost .

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  27. #14
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    With these lots you have to get a manifest. You can easily take that and search ebay and find out what they are worth. Servers might not be worth much for scrap, but if you get something that is 3 years old or less then you can easily make a nice little profit. With Dells you can tell how old it is based on the model names and numbers.

    This wikipedia list can easily help you get up to speed on the age of the servers so you can make a quick, well informed decision. Other makes and brands are a different story, but generally if you can figure out and remember the model numbers they will have the same situation as Dell. In other words you can basically tell how old it is based on the model number itself. Dell just seems to be popular compared to the other brands out there for some reason.

    I can definitely tell you this based on that load. The Dell servers with the Blue handles for the drives are scrap only at best. They are worthless for anything else. The HQDC01 unit in the picture definitely has 2.5" drives in it and if that thing was full of SAS drives that were 128gb or larger you can make at least $60/drive and much more if they are the 300gb to 600gb range. Pull one of the drives out and look at the top and figure out what size it is. Even better get the model number and just search it on ebay real quick on your phone.

    Anyway I realize this didn't work out, but still. Moving forward the information still applies.

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  29. #15
    Metalbestos started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WannaBeGeekster View Post
    With these lots you have to get a manifest. You can easily take that and search ebay and find out what they are worth. Servers might not be worth much for scrap, but if you get something that is 3 years old or less then you can easily make a nice little profit. With Dells you can tell how old it is based on the model names and numbers.

    This wikipedia list can easily help you get up to speed on the age of the servers so you can make a quick, well informed decision. Other makes and brands are a different story, but generally if you can figure out and remember the model numbers they will have the same situation as Dell. In other words you can basically tell how old it is based on the model number itself. Dell just seems to be popular compared to the other brands out there for some reason.

    I can definitely tell you this based on that load. The Dell servers with the Blue handles for the drives are scrap only at best. They are worthless for anything else. The HQDC01 unit in the picture definitely has 2.5" drives in it and if that thing was full of SAS drives that were 128gb or larger you can make at least $60/drive and much more if they are the 300gb to 600gb range. Pull one of the drives out and look at the top and figure out what size it is. Even better get the model number and just search it on ebay real quick on your phone.

    Anyway I realize this didn't work out, but still. Moving forward the information still applies.
    Awesome link , will def. help out in the future. Thanks

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