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  1. #1
    Caveman is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    lost an online auction, then got asked to buy it

    About a month ago I lost an online auction for some computers. Two days ago I got an email from the local school system that the auction winner lives a couple thousand miles away and hasn't even paid for the items yet. They offered to sell me the lot for my last bid, the last bid before the winning bid. The terms of the auction were that the items were to be picked up by 10 days, after that the auction winner would be charged for the items and the school can do with the computers as they wish.

    I suggested to them to give away the computers, to me if they want, and charge the auction winner. I included a note that I would have been very happy to win the auction straight up, but if I were to buy the computers now it would sort of let the 'winner' off the hook. Sure, no matter what the guys account gets frozen, and he can't use that online auction site again, but that is no big deal. If the 'winner' has to pay for something, or has to dodge collection agencies they probably won't play around again.

    Thoughts? I passed up making good money off of these computers, but figure it would pay off in the future. I hope that the school doesn't go easy on the 'winner' as it just ruins things for guys like me.

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