ebay auction, number 270801240350 , was for approximately 10 tons of
scrap metal, according to the listing. (It was being sold by the State of NY.)
I am very new to this line of work, but 10 tons is 20,000 pounds. The winning bid was for $18,625.50 with 40 bids by 13 different bidders. This works out to between 90 cents and $1 per pound. Does this make sense? I must be missing something. I am assuming that the bulk of this lot is basic steel going for around 10 cents a pound, ballpark. If that's right, how is the winning bidder expecting to make money, even with other scrap going for higher prices?
If my logic is way off, please tell me where I am going wrong.
(I know that auctions can cause people to pay prices they never would in a non-auction setting, but still, I don't get this.)