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  1. #1
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Today at the auction with KZBell

    Spent the day at the auction with KZBell and had a great time. Spent $190 bucks and this is what I got.

    I got the sun enterprise server in the second pic for $20 bucks. Man did I luck out on this one. It has the keyboard and mouse with it all the software and all the docs for the server. I got it hom and cracked it open to take a look and who ever had this machine ordered it top of the line. It has Dual 400 mhz(max for this server) cpu's maxed out with 2gb of ram 16 sticks, 4 36gb scsi hard drives, 2 power supllies. Im thinking I shoud be able to get $200 or more for this server on ebay. If not I know I can part it out and scrap it for more then $20.

    The other boxes are even better but had to spend the other $170 on them but it should pay off well. I did some research on ebay and put them on for less then what everyone else has them for and what they have sold for int he past. Im in for the fast turnaround if I can.

    Axis PS-H model# SA110D-05 Switching Adapter Part # 26570
    I got 35 of them in a box put them on ebay for $5 each = $175

    CISCO AC/DC Adapter p/n 34-1977-05 Model# EADP-18FB B
    I got 90 of them put them on ebay for $8 each = $720
    I let another box of these go because i thaught the bid was getting to high. Now i wish I had baught the other box too.

    Then I got a box of 73 6 foot computer power cords. Havnt decided if im going to ebay these or just scrap them out.

    All in all I have to say it was a good day at the auction for me. They had over 200 computers at this auction easy but the cheapist one went for $10. No computers for me.

    Was great fun shooting the breeze with KZBell as well.

  2. #2
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    Nice going

    Nice going on the Sun server.

    Went to an auction today and don't think anything went for under $200

    2 carts of laptops 200 went for $4050
    2 Gaylords scrap metal $3400
    1 Gaylord of punched Hard Drives $1400
    2 pallet of P4s $2100 1 pallet Mac G5s $1600
    18 pcs copper pipe $750 some ss pipe $1200
    17 sun workstations today went for $450

    Got outbid left empty handed.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Definitely a good time with PTS, it was nice to be able to cruse the isles and tap into PTS's brain as to what all the components are used for. Some of the bids being thrown out there even had a low tech guy like me shaking my head. Main score for me was a barbershop chair for $25. Its not old so not a collectable, but good for intended purpose, tattoo parlor, shot station at your local watering hole or in a man cave.
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  4. #4
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    Street Sweeper,

    Sometimes walking away from the auction empty handed is the best thing to do. So what you wasted a day and gas. At least you aren't going to be sweating your butt off breaking down a bunch of stuff to make a few dollars a ton or hour off it. You could have been up against a dealer to or a first timer with little or no experience. A few loses and he will be out of the game and guess what you still have your money to get back into the game. I had a saying back in the day when I used to watch auctions and trust me that's all I did for a while. Nothing better then watching an auction and bidding on scrap in your underwear from your house when its 10 degrees outside. I might hit a jackpot one out of 15 auctions that I thought were worth it to watch and I had a chance to buy a few hundred ton of material for cheap. You might strike out 14 times but that 15 time where there's no scrap guys at the auction BOOM the scraps flying off the shelves for cheap. There's nothing better then there being 10 or more pieces of equipment being bundled up because theres no one else bidding one it. Hearing the auctioneer saying we are going to sell the next x amount of lots as one since theres no one bidding on it but one person and hearing no objections from the crowd you know its yours. Once its over its going to be fist pumps into the air and air guitar riffs in your living rooms at least thats how it was for me. Keep it up even the sun shines on a dog a$$ somedays. Time is always on your side patients is a virtue is in the auction business. No one wants to blow there wad and catch auction fever. Its a disease that most auction goers get and they always flame out.

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  6. #5
    Midnight's Avatar
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    The only problem is that when the newbie strikes out and disappears, there are 100 others that will take their place. I've been doing auctions for over 10 years and now, since all the tv shows have started, it's gone from a few serious buyers at each auction, to dozens or 100+. Everyone thinks they are going to make it rich on each unit/lot. They have no idea about the work that goes into it.

  7. #6
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Good to hear of forum members getting together. Glad you had a good time.

  8. #7
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    Hello Street Sweeper , I learned a long time ago that the purchase is made at the time of the sale . In other words you;ve got to be in it right to turn it quickly, who knows how long one might have to sit on stuff trying to find a buyer. better luck next time w. b.

  9. #8
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    Yup wildbill you sure can't have any emotional attachment to any of your scrap. Unless its easy to do turn it quickly money in your pocket is money you can buy more scrap with. Am I right or wrong?

  10. #9
    Filthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Yup wildbill you sure can't have any emotional attachment to any of your scrap. Unless its easy to do turn it quickly money in your pocket is money you can buy more scrap with. Am I right or wrong?
    i def believe that. its a small margin, high volume business... inventory does me little good, and the quick turnaround allows me to have a better buying power to make more money with. either way, its a balance of cash v. patience with the higher value stuff
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  11. #10
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    can someone build me a computer with all this scrap? one that i can play WoW on
    collecting san joses scrap

  12. #11
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    I believe I allready offered to do this for you blue.

  13. #12
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    plus when people play wow as well as other MMRPGS they get stuck and dont ever come out haha. no more scrapping!

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