Hi all, after spending much time in these forums learning I have decided to give ebay a try. Here is my first listing, tell me if you would have done anything differently
Hi all, after spending much time in these forums learning I have decided to give ebay a try. Here is my first listing, tell me if you would have done anything differently
You will not make much money if your shipping cost is really $14.05. Better use a flat rat box *small should fit everything in your photo*
and on another note total value of memory is (taking the listing and shipping price and adding them) is 14.08 a pound. It wont go much higher than that. That's not counting the ebay and paypal fees and shipping fees.
But good luck either way.
scrap memory typically go for better prices than regular ewaste buyers prices, i dont know what they do w/ it and dont care all i know is i regularly sell lots like shown below
even w/ $40 off for fees and shipping and a trip to town thats still $11/lb for P4 cpu's and rambus memory
Great looking listing format, very professional looking. My thoughts on ebay as a seller. Consider low starting bids, works in most cases and just like going to a regular acution auctioneer starts looking for a bid and keeps lowering until bidding starts. Lower starting bids may attract more initial bidders/watchers. I rarely use a buy it now, you never know the items you are selling may go well past your set price. If the stuff you sell and ship is heavier and fits in a priority flat rate box use it. Have had boxes weigh 40-60 lbs shipped this way and buyers always know if they are getting a good deal on shipping. Don't use dots, dashes, quotation marks or other symbols in your title unless absolutely necessarry, doesn't help the buyer search and find. As a buyer on ebay I won't even bid on an item if the starting price is close to what it will sell for. I will not ever bid on something that has astronomical shipping to offset the low selling price. And if you intentionally misspell some words in your search it is amazing at the deals you can sometimes find.
Good luck with your listing, will watch to see what happens.
OK well your shipping is way hi. Unless of course you were using the high price to pay for your fees and what not. Like said above that all should have been able to fit in a small flat rate box or padded envelope for $5. Paypal and ebay fees usualy total about 14 percent so for your auction would be about $7 plus $5 shipipng is about $38 bucks for 2.3 pounds of ram. So I would say if you shipped it right you made $16.50 per pound of ram. Not bad.
Good luck Jeremiah
Well it sold - So congrats =) Looks like your shipping is only showing your expedited shipping which is one day. The most expensive shipping to use. I would give them an option of either parcel post, priority flat rate and expedited. However, when you do your listing start with your parcel post because the first one is what will show up on the listing. Should help. Love you picture with the child holding the memory chips like money. TOO CUTE!!
If you like to Scrap the Crap & Cash the Trash - Then Check out our Videos on Youtube!
Thank you for sharing your first ebay sale and congrats on it selling. Mike.
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
Well, it sold
Now let's see if my break down was ok
$43.14 (Payment)
-.30 (listing fee)
-3.15 (ebay fee on listing)
-.73 (ebay fee on shipping)
-5.35 (actual shipping fee)
$31.79 for 2.34lbs of memory
$13.58 per pound
--I never set a shipping fee. I set up the auction for the buyer to calculate the shipping by entering in their zipcode. I decided to go with a "buy-it-now" to accomidate those who are stressed for time. I have, on many occasions, added an item to my watch list but forgot to bid before the item ended. In fact, I almost never bid on auctions. I normally don't mind paying 10% higher a fee to not worry about bidding and waiting. There were my thoughts at least, look forward to any suggestions. Thanks everyone!
easy you pay $11/ lb. for Pentium 4's and ram-bus memory if so PM me because everybody's prices typically sucks on ram-bus memory (due to junk weight from the heat spreaders), and Pentium 4 CPU prices suck in general but i normally get about 10lb of them every two weeks so at least its consistent supply.
Priority Mail(2-3 day) is considered expedited shipping.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
Congratulations on your sale!
My question:
Selling for Scrap vs. Selling for Functionality
$40 vs. $1000
Wouldn't you have potentially made considerably more money by selling these RAM sticks as functional entities?
Searching EBay and RAM reveals that there are many sales for RAM cards going for anywhere from $10-$40 per card depending upon the characterisitcs of the RAM.
From your picture, it looks as though you sold about 50 RAM cards for about $40 scrap value.
If we assume that only 50% of those were functional (probably a low and very conservative estimate), and they yielded a low sale price of $10 each (again probably very conservative), then you could have gotten:
(25 functional RAM cards) X ($10/card) = $250.
$250 (conservative estimate) for functional RAM cards
$40 for scrap value.
That seems like a large loss and given that higher estimations of RAM functionality and sale value could easily yield $1000. (50 functional RAM cards) X ($20/card) = $1000.
A $960 difference between functional vs. scrap seems to me to make it very much worth the time to investigate functionality and model #s. If it turns out a RAM stick is broken or completely out-dated, then at that point, selling for Srap makes sense.
But bang on the buck return seems to make investigation worth it.
Last edited by ElectricMetal; 01-22-2012 at 06:49 PM.
Now take that same lot of ram. If its ddr ddr2 and ddr3 you need 3 seperate computer systems to plug that ram into and make sure it works. Granted im working on building such a test system myself from the scrap machine I get. Now take that same idea and put it into processors. You now have to have a god awefull ammount of motherboards to plug in the 500 different slots of processors. Now once you have said test bench set up you now have to factor in your time. What will it take to test every ram stick. I would think it would take about 10 minutes minimum.
Looks great!
Well worded, nice format, and love the picture of the kid holding those memory sticks like cards (looks ready to make a deal).
Electricmetal, it looks to me if the memory sticks that are less than 1GB each then there is little chance of selling them.
you can always pop off metal casing with a flat head screwdriver and sell as normal memory.
That's a whole lot of assuming, And you know what assume means??That seems like a large loss and given that higher estimations of RAM functionality and sale value could easily yield $1000. (50 functional RAM cards) X ($20/card) = $1000.
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