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Trailer auction

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  1. #1
    Reelman65 started this thread.
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    Trailer auction

    the search continues for the best trailer solution. I am going to a big swap meet in Moultrie, GA this weekend to look at used and new enclosed trailers.

    I found this on the GovLiq auction site.

    It looks like the sides fold down and it is pretty much perfect size at 8X22. The capacity is more than I need, but like the hillbillies around here say: "when in doubt, make it stout"

    I would think if I could get it for less than 2K it might be a good deal.

    good idea? any red flags?

    thanks for the help.

  2. #2
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    That thing looks like a tank. My guess is if the government was using it, it couldn't be that bad?

    What are you trying to haul with it?
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  3. #3
    Reelman65 started this thread.
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    I mainly haul pallets and gaylords, but I am always looking to have crossfunctional tools if cost is not excessive. My only worry would be some maintenance thing that would be ultra expensive that I don't know about right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ewasted View Post
    That thing looks like a tank. My guess is if the government was using it, it couldn't be that bad?

    What are you trying to haul with it?

  4. #4
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    Its 8000lbs emty. I would go look at it in person to see if the sides come off. Determine if the tires are common size or if the wheels could be replaced with "civilian" ones. A lot of the military equipement I have been in and around is very heavy and tough. Much of that equipement was designed to travel at 45mph tops. Others who have personal knowledge with these type trailer. That being said this could be a great deal, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  6. #5
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    That is certainly build to last.

    One of the things to consider is the height of the bed. It looks to be at least 4 foot tall (with sides removed) which is going to make hand loading a real bear.

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  8. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    you have to remember 2 things about military equip. one is they dont care about cost of equipment or maintenence, they use your money for that. @. how much military equipment do you see on the road or in use by civilians , and why dont you. how much military equipment have you seen that is practical for any one who dosent have an army to load it and maintain it.
    your truck is pulling 8000 lbs before you start.

    I would love to own a Bradly or an f135 too but it is just not practicle.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 02-02-2012 at 07:47 AM.

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  10. #7
    Reelman65 started this thread.
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    good thoughts, thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    you have to remember 2 things about military equip. one is they dont care about cost of equipment or maintenence, they use your money for that. @. how much military equipment do you see on the road or in use by civilians , and why dont you. how much military equipment have you seen that is practical for any one who dosent have an army to load it and maintain it.
    your truck is pulling 8000 lbs before you start.

    I would love to own a Bradly or an f135 too but it is just not practicle.

  11. #8
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    I'd stay away from that one for several reasons.

    1: weight - 8k empty is going to use up half the tow capacity of a diesel dually, leaving you with 8k lbs or less room on the trailer. Its really a mini semi trailer
    2: tires - those look like some type of floater and are going to be expensive
    3:size - looks like 22' overall, which means you're only getting maybe 16-17' of useful space. Consider how much each gaylord will weigh, and how many you can fit per square foot of trailer floor space- will you really use up the full 7 tons of capacity
    4: brakes? air or electric?

    Sorry to be a buzzkill. The fold down sides are killer though.

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  13. #9
    thortek's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link! I think everyone has said it all, but I would have NEVER thought to look for a trailer on that site, and I've bought there before! I'm in the market for a trailer as well, and this brought up some really good points!
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  14. #10
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    Best advice I could give you is think of what they use to haul this, Most likely a duce and half hence the pintle hitch, the tires are most likely run flats and if all you really haul is pallets and Gaylord it’s never gonna justify the money you spent for such a beefed up trailer that you may or may not ever get a load to haul. I would look for a lighter trailer that more conforms to what you haul. I was able to pick up a 20 ft. dove tail 7000# car hauler for just over $3000 brand new made 4' side rails with expanded metal for another 500 and I have yet maxed it out. More worried with what the truck can take then what the trailer can.

    As for the Bradley olddude they are a kick in the rear but boy are they temperamental.

  15. #11
    Reelman65 started this thread.
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    Well I hear you but, I need Sq footage and apparently Trailers over 8' wide aren't participating in the cheap used trailer market. I have received quotes on several "Ideal" new Trailers for around 4K. I would only make a move on this one move slightly more than shred price.

    Quote Originally Posted by eppdso View Post
    Best advice I could give you is think of what they use to haul this, Most likely a duce and half hence the pintle hitch, the tires are most likely run flats and if all you really haul is pallets and Gaylord it’s never gonna justify the money you spent for such a beefed up trailer that you may or may not ever get a load to haul. I would look for a lighter trailer that more conforms to what you haul. I was able to pick up a 20 ft. dove tail 7000# car hauler for just over $3000 brand new made 4' side rails with expanded metal for another 500 and I have yet maxed it out. More worried with what the truck can take then what the trailer can.

    As for the Bradley olddude they are a kick in the rear but boy are they temperamental.

  16. #12
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    If its a great deal, buy it - you might be able flip it for more to an MV collector. Or use it until something better comes along. Its all about necessity!

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