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320 pounds of heat sinks.... - Page 2

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  1. #1
    Scrapcrazy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well I brought every single one of my heat sinks to my local yard today. I was trying to hold out but I needed to clear out space, getting rid of them freed up three 20 gal tubs. Based off of the yard I went to today I came away with the understanding there are 3 types of heat sinks. But who knows, they seemed rather confused themselves. Before I brought them to the yard I separated and sorted as I thought was correct. I removed the copper in the ones that didn't take too much time plus I discovered some heat sinks from certain servers were completely copper including the fins, That was an awesome discovery, each one weighed 2.8 pounds and I had 34 of them. I also learned you will find sinks that are bottom heavy and usually shinier on the base than the fins, those were copper 9 out of 10 times. The yard separated and paid in 4 grades.
    1.All copper #2 copper $2.80/lb
    2. all aluminum. $0.50/lb
    3. copper base with aluminum fins $0.80/lb
    4. Aluminum with misc. Copper .$0.75/lb

    I misplaced my ticket so i don't know the exact grades they classified them,
    Not even sure if they did it right but I'm satisfied cause if I would have sold them to my E scrap buyer they
    Would have sold for $0.50/lb and today's take averaged $0.87/ lb.
    I'm happy believing I made all the right choices with this transaction. I've only been doing this for 4 months
    Now and am still learning. If there's one thing I would do different, I would figure out a way to separate more of the copper
    From the aluminum.

  2. #2
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    I honestly think that everytime ive brought in alum I got paid differently. First yard I used would lump it all together regardless if it was sheet, cast, ext, etc. Then they would pay separate for cast. I started using a new yard, and the kid running the scale got confused when he saw all the alum options on the ticket screen, so it got graded as old sheet. Whatever.

  3. #3
    Scrapcrazy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I made sure to sort mine before I got to the yard. I also grinded the parts that looked like aluminum but were obviously Copper after being grinded. I wouldn't accept being paid for just aluminum if I knew it was copper. I'm sure the next time I go, even if it's the same guy, he'll be confused all over again.

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  5. #4
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    I've been to three different yards locally, and they all do the same thing. When I give them a copper and aluminum heat sink, they pay me a dirty aluminum price. It's usually like $0.18-$0.25 or something horrific like that. So, now I just keep one in my truck, and anytime I go to a different yard, I ask what they will pay for it. Hopefully I find one soon that will give me a fair price. For now, I am just stockpiling them.

  6. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Some of you talk about old sheet aluminum, is ther a diffrance in price? The yards I go to all sheet aluminum pays one price, right now it is .50 it dosn't metter if it's thin, thick,painted or what ever.Although it must be clean of all other metals to get that price.

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