Still sitting on
ebay and in my spare bedroom in storage. Hmm combustible fluid...hmm. Maybe I will toss one in the fire pit and see what happens. I got some air bags I saved for a youtube video to show why they aint safe in your car and will kill you in a accident. Maybe I will make a safety video of why you should not throw combustible items in the fire lol.
Hmm that just triggered a memory. A childhood friend of mine was killed for that. He got a hold of some bullets and was tossing them in a fire pit made out of a 55 gallon drum. One bullet ignited and hit him in the chest. He was under 10 years old. God I can see his face, but cant remember his name for the life of me.
Sorry sidetrack. I been thinking about making a car battery out of them as I saw on youtube. Thats about it.