Is there a market for these? They are oem un-used pulls with no packaging . expire mar 17
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Is there a market for these? They are oem un-used pulls with no packaging . expire mar 17
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Why no packaging
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sounds like a flea market thing to me
Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.
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Have 34,000 people play flashlight tag?
Seriously, I'd try to sell them locally. How you would store or move that many batteries is beyond me, though.
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You could try contacting an adult toy store. They could probably use a lot of batteries.![]()
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One would get a good vibration from that sale!
Wrap them all up, one each, an hand them out to people on the street an watch their reaction...record this. It'd be an instant viral hit.
Sell'm to a dollar store.
Get a ton of working battery operated radios, an turn them all on at once an blow out everyone's hearing in a 10 block radius. You should use polka for this.
I'd go play laser tag, or build something out of them. Indoors. Weather an batteries do not mix.
Go play poker an use it as your chips.
I'd go for making a 20 foot tall energizer bunny..out of duracell batteries an then sell it to the highest bidder on eBay..
Or do none of those things an find an actually good use for them all..I wish you luck on that.
Sirscrapalot - I'm only kidding..or am I.
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A good military surplus place could be interested in them as they are used in many older military and sporting items.
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I looked on ebay trying to find sellers that deal in mass quantity but no luck, were trying to get .20 per battery
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Quality flashlights and a few vintage electric game items is about all I use D-cells for.
I also have a few pairs of electric socks and a vest. The socks each use 2 D-cells and the vest uses 8.
Another item that can use many D-cell batteries is the older BOOM boxes aka portable stereos.
D-cell batteries are not in popular use these days. Seems that Xmas and other cheap mass produced electric toy selling times is about the only times that people are interested in D-cells.
I have a few hundred good ones that I need to do something with. Mine are expired, but I test them a few times a year and sort them.
I end up with many small batteries as I collect toddler toys, children's learning systems and most any type of interesting electrical or electronic item as long as the price is right.
What I end up with the most of is AA size and then AAA size. C and D cells I end up with few that are good.
Most wouldn't realize that it is not so easy to get rid of that many D-cell batteries.
You might try a private owned variety store. I notice that there are plenty of them around these daze.
If you or someone you knows does the flea markets near you. Could try that.
I plan on a few trips to the flea market later this year on a "fishing trip"
I will go looking for people that I can trade and sell with/to wholesale and such.
I have no problem letting things go at a bargain,
but a person has to make it worth my while. I have no time for "cherry pickers" or american pickers and such. They can pick their noses elsewhere in my opinion. WHY do I say that? Because most all of the TIME they are just wasting my TIME as they are looking for idiots with things they can make good money off of for a few dollars.
It will be interesting to see how you turn out. There are those that use many of the D-cells for lighting and other power sources, but these days, most of the TIME they are used in what could be called vintage electronics or lighting.
Nothing like a 8 D-cell aluminum MagLite for multi purpose use.
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Thought I would add this in case people wondered WHAT is the reason that there can be so many un packaged D-cell batteries?
From experience I have learned that they are still making small advertising in store displays that have sensors and lights and such. They use D-cells to power most of them as they last longer and battery space is not a problem. The displays most times come with the batteries and as the place that packages the store displays buy the batteries for such a use, they buy them in bulk and will either have them installed in the display with plastic tabs that you pull for use. Some times the batteries will be shrink wrapped.
Just sharing as I like it when others share with me.
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Dollar Tree and other dollar stores would be a good place to start.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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With a close expiration date (3 days from now) they will be a hard to sell.expire mar 17
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Send them to the shred pile...
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You might get in contact with the person with the 11,000 + eyeglass cases and see if he'll give you the contact name and # that bought all his cases.
Last edited by Mechanic688; 03-15-2015 at 09:19 AM. Reason: added link
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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Actually he might have luck if he sold them on ebay himself. 0.20/battery x6800 = $1360. Better then nothing.
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If I was near you I would buy a bunch. Our baby stuff runs off D batteries (swing, baby rocker, etc.). We go through them quickly.
Also be careful if you go the Ebay route. USPS has some heavy restrictions on mailing batteries as they are considered hazardous.
~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~
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Best selling them local or in a way that you don't have to mess with shipping them. A small box of D-cell batteries is weighty.
You will find a buyer that will take all of them most likely as most times people that use them use a lot of them.
The vintage electronics and "baby toys" use them, but there are not a lot of people using those items these days.
I collect the musical, lighted aquariums that are used in cribs. I just find them interesting. I have a nice collection of them from the thrift stores and sales.
Some of those baby crib toys sell new for around $50.00.
If I had those batteries and I wanted to unload them I would go to my local Surplus stores and other such mom and pop places and make a deal for trade and/or a fist full of dollars.
They can always be shrink wrap packaged in pairs or more. Most times the shrink wrapped ones I have seen are 2 D-cells together even if the item requires more. They will just put as many shrink wrapped pairs of batteries into the display package as needed.
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perhaps you could contact Duracell. They may repackage them and sell them their clients.
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Places like the Dollar Tree and such wouldn't be of any help as they have their red tape ways of doing things.
Small batteries are a "science" as I have seen new brand name ones that were dead in the package and they were far from expired. I have also found long expired batteries that had a full charge still.
Years back I tried reading up on recharging alkaline batteries and dry cells and found that it was a area like many others that even a fancy computer couldn't figure out. A bit like ballistics, wild mushroom gathering and other things that are best learned from teachers and experience, most TIMES require a trial and error method of finding what is wanted.
Mushroom anyone?
Try and read up on charging alkaline batteries. It's much like using dynamite to remove old tree stumps.
Best KNOW what you are doing before you light the fuse.
Last edited by ChildhoodDream; 03-15-2015 at 05:47 AM.
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