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Lithium Ion 18650 Batteries Scrapping

| Batteries, Capacitors, Heat Sinks
  1. #1
    scrapslol started this thread.
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    Lithium Ion 18650 Batteries Scrapping

    Hi there. I was discussing batteries on Reddit and someone recommended I join here and ask

    Basically I have about 100 pounds of Lithium Ion 18650 battery cells from laptop batteries. I am breaking down laptop batteries and using the good cells for a side project. These cells are the dead ones that could not be used (0.00v, vented, burnt, etc). I'm expecting to have maybe around 200-250 pounds of them by the time my project is completed, and I'm wondering what to do with them. My local battery store will take them and recycle free, but I was hoping to get some cash out of them that I could use to go by more batteries. The cells are removed from plastic, nickel strips taken off, and stacked in a box with cardboard spacers to prevent shorting. Someone recommended selling on eBay, but I think most people buying there are looking for good/working cells.


  2. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Take a look at the Scrap Buyers & Sellers section. Email or call a couple of those guys to see what they would pay. I know some have prices listed for lithium ion batteries, but those prices are for complete units that have not been ripped apart.

    Good luck!

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    submarinepainter's Avatar
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  6. #4
    Breakage's Avatar
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    One thing I've come across is that DOT regulates shipment of lithium batteries and is quite particular about shipped weights being less than 66lbs.

    Also, different states have procedures about the labeling of Universal Waste in transit. But all of this is probably elsewhere on the forum.

    I'd be concerned that, with regards to third-party shipping, there might not be an adequate way to cover the shipping of multiple, smaller loads in the sale of the material. Plus, you pretty much have to tape/bag every single battery contact before anyone will buy from you and allow it to be shipped to them, in the first place (though maybe one of the forum buyers will find separation by cardboard an adequate measure, but your shipper likely won't).

    I think you could stuff about 15-20 pounds into a large USPS Flat Rate box. But that's going to cost you nearly $20 and I don't know anyone paying over a dollar per pound of those batteries.

    Not meaning to discourage you but shipping Li batts has never been easy for me. And with pricing between $.25-.80/#, that I've seen, it's hard to make a case for it unless you have a very favorable shipping arrangement, send more lucrative/less intensive material you can include in the load, or connect to a local yard with a healthy appetite for them.

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  8. #5
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    If you contact the buyers here on the forum most can and will assist you with shipping requirements. 73, Mike
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  9. #6
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Loose 18650s are not classified as laptop li-ion batteries anymore. You may find a buyer here but the likely case is to take them to the battery store for recycling.
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  10. #7
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    I'm such a noob I thought 18650 was the amount of batteries he had. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by armygreywolf View Post
    Loose 18650s are not classified as laptop li-ion batteries anymore. You may find a buyer here but the likely case is to take them to the battery store for recycling.

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  12. #8
    auminer's Avatar
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    I've got to where every time I get an item with a Li-ion battery in it, the first thing I do is take the battery out & put it in the back of my pickup & take it to the Batteries Plus when I happen to go past there.

    Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, but the possibility of a fire, coupled with the hoops you have to jump through to safely store & ship them... just not worth the 80 cents a pound.

    They aren't stored in my garage any more though, ever since I watched a couple of youtube videos on them! Not that I'd ever intentionally stab one with a knife, but what if something fell on one? Just not worth the risk of having this happen inside my house.

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  13. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I have 2 5 gallon buckets of Li-ion batteries that came out of some wireless business phones I need to get rid of. I called a Batteries Plus store and they want to charge me a lot for them to take them. I guess I'll keep looking.

  14. #10
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I have 2 5 gallon buckets of Li-ion batteries that came out of some wireless business phones I need to get rid of. I called a Batteries Plus store and they want to charge me a lot for them to take them. I guess I'll keep looking.
    Lowes or Home Depot has drop offs in by the return area you could drop off a few bags of them at a time. I don't think they would want all 10 gallons at once
    Last edited by hobo finds; 08-05-2017 at 01:08 PM.

  15. #11
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I called a Batteries Plus store and they want to charge me a lot for them to take them.

    I don't (and won't) ever buy anything from Batteries+ (long story) but I do just walk in there with anything from a few to a bucketful & tell them, "These are batteries for recycling." and walk out.

    If they ever tried to charge me for that, I'd likely just leave them in the trash can out front.

  16. #12
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    I've been dropping off batteries at Best Buy. They have collection boxes inside the first set of doors that are labeled as to which type goes in which. Mike

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