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Laptop Batteries and NiMh batteries- buyers in CA?

| Batteries, Capacitors, Heat Sinks
  1. #1
    bvad8486 started this thread.
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    Laptop Batteries and NiMh batteries- buyers in CA?

    I tried searching here and seemed as most were out dated post but around 2013/2014 with lithium ion batteries. Anyways I am new here and see the buyers section and one decent lead there for batteries although I was hoping to get a little more for them. It'd be really nice to find a buyer in CA. Even better if they were in Northern CA. So I hoping maybe one of you already knows of a place that buys them. And if you've dealt with them recently what kind of price did you get?

    I'm looking to sell off 1500 pounds of laptop batteries. 800-1000 pounds is 18650 batteries and the rest is flat packs. I might just sell the 18650 scrap on ebay. Flat Packs I have no idea where to sell those to.

    I also have lots of NiMH batteries I'd love to find a buyer for. They come in the form of hybrid car batteries such as prius first gen packs and honda civic. I have 10k-15k pounds of those. Anyone know of any local buyers?

    Thanks for any help. Like I've said, I'm new. I have from time to time came on here to read over the years but have never posted.

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  3. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Good luck with finding a buyer. You think California would have some kind of buyer for these. Some info here about disposal of batteries here...

    Alkaline can go in with the shred here.

    Also some disposal info here...

    Summary - Real Disposal and Recycling Methods

    Check with your local solid waste management district (listed under County Government in your phone book) for any outlets for household battery recycling. See if your local jeweler, pharmacy or battery retailer will accept button batteries for recycling. Ohio EPA keeps a list of battery recycling and disposal companies on file; however, these companies are usually set up to serve industrial or municipal customers with bulk amounts of batteries rather than individuals.

    Battery Type

    Common Name

    Sizes Available

    Examples of Use

    Disposal classification

    Proper Disposal

    ( manganese)
    Coppertop, Alkaline AAA, AA, C, D, 6V, 9V Flashlights, calculators, toys, clocks, smoke alarms, remote controls These batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste. Place in the trash (normal municipal waste). Exceptions: California which requires non-households to dispose of these batteries in accordance with the California Universal Waste Rules.

    Button Mercuric Oxide, Silver Oxide, Lithium, Alkaline, Zinc-Air Sizes vary Watches, hearing aids, toys, greeting cards, remote controls hazardous waste Bring to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Site

    Carbon Zinc "Classic", Heavy Duty, General Purpose, All Purpose, Power Cell AAA, AA, C, D
    6V, 9V
    Flashlights, calculators, toys, clocks, smoke alarms, remote controls, transistor radios, garage door openers These batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste. Place in the trash (normal municipal waste). Exceptions: California - requires non-households to dispose of these batteries in accordance with the California Universal Waste Rules. Also, Minnesota (Hennipen County only) requires these batteries be disposed as a hazardous waste.

    Lithium / Lithium Ion Usually has "lithium" label on the battery 3V, 6V, 3V button Cameras, calculators, computer memory back-up, tennis shoes These batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste They can be recycled! To find a center near you that will take them, click here!

    Nickel-Cadmium (Rechargeable) Either unlabeled or labeled "Ni-Cd" AAA, AA, C, D, 6V, 9V Flashlights, toys, cellular phones, power tools, computer packs hazardous waste To find a center near you that will take them, click here! or Bring to a Household HazardousWaste Collection Site

    Nickel Metal Hydride (Rechargeable) Either unlabeled or labeled "Ni-Li" or "Ni-Hydride) AAA, AA, C, D, 6V, 9V Flashlights, toys, cellular phones, power tools, computer packs non-hazardous waste - except in California, which requires non-households to dispose of these batteries in accordance with the California Universal Waste Rules. Safe for disposal in the normal municipal waste stream. These batteries are also acceptable for recycling by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's (RBRC) Battery Recycling Program.

    Reusable Alkaline Manganese (Rechargeable) Renewal AAA, AA, C, D Flashlights, calculators, toys, clocks, radios, remote controls Place in the trash

    Sealed Lead Acid (Rechargeable)

    "Gel," VRB, AGM, Cyclone, El Power, Dynasty, Gates, Lithonia, Saft, Panasonic, Yuasa Multiples of 2 Volts: 2V, 6V, 12V Video cameras, power tools, wheelchairs, ATV's, metal detectors, clocks, cameras hazardous waste To find a center near you that will take them, click here! Bring to a Household HazardousWaste Collection Site

    Lead Acid Vehicle Batteries Autozone, Sears Die Hard, Yuasa 12V, 6V Cars, trucks, motorcycles hazardous waste Take back to place of purchase <
    Most places that sell car batteries will also accept them for recycling. There may be a fee for this service.
    metal recycler may pay you for your car battery. Look in the yellow pages under "Recycling Centers" for a list of recyclers.

    Silver Oxide Panasonic Silver Oxide Sizes vary Watches, hearing aids, toys, greeting cards, remote controls hazardous waste Non-Consumers must dispose of these batteries in full compliance with the hazardous waste rules. Consumers are covered by the Household exemption under RCRA which allows for these batteries to be disposed of into the municipal waste stream. These batteries are also acceptable for recycling by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's (RBRC) Battery Recycling Program.

    Read more at 404 Not Found
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    Better than the dump!

  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hi there! Not sure about California destinations but here in Las Vegas we buy both of those where I work and we can also arrange freight shipping. There's a buyer's thread here for Red Rock Metal Recycling but I need to update pricing. And for that quantity of NiMH batteries need to see if I can arrange special price. Can you send me a picture of one of them?

  5. #4
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvad8486 View Post
    I also have lots of NiMH batteries I'd love to find a buyer for. They come in the form of hybrid car batteries such as prius first gen packs and honda civic. I have 10k-15k pounds of those. Anyone know of any local buyers?
    I sell them local to RAS >> Automotive Cores Purchasing and Cores Buying

    Google search also shows a place in Memphis Tennessee

    Since I am East Coast I never searched for people in CA

    Might be worth it to ship them to the East Coast

  6. #5
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvad8486 View Post
    I tried searching here and seemed as most were out dated post but around 2013/2014 with lithium ion batteries. Anyways I am new here and see the buyers section and one decent lead there for batteries although I was hoping to get a little more for them. It'd be really nice to find a buyer in CA. Even better if they were in Northern CA. So I hoping maybe one of you already knows of a place that buys them. And if you've dealt with them recently what kind of price did you get?

    I'm looking to sell off 1500 pounds of laptop batteries. 800-1000 pounds is 18650 batteries and the rest is flat packs. I might just sell the 18650 scrap on ebay. Flat Packs I have no idea where to sell those to.

    I also have lots of NiMH batteries I'd love to find a buyer for. They come in the form of hybrid car batteries such as prius first gen packs and honda civic. I have 10k-15k pounds of those. Anyone know of any local buyers?

    Thanks for any help. Like I've said, I'm new. I have from time to time came on here to read over the years but have never posted.
    I know of a hybrid battery buyer in NYC. Unfortunately, 1st Gen Prius are not on the list. Civics are if 2003 or newer.

  7. #6
    bvad8486 started this thread.
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    Wow, thanks guys for all the tips and help! That was much faster than I figured.

    Thanks Hobo, I don't want to dispose of them for free. I need to find a buyer and will at some point.

    JJinLV- Thanks I'll take a couple pictures tomorrow and shoot them your way.

    Thanks John, I'll take a look at the two links you posted.
    Mthomas....thanks for adding the info. Yeah I don't know of any rebuilder companies buying first gen prius cores. And I can always take the cells out and sell the cells on ebay. All the civics are 2003 and newer as that's the first year of the hybrid.

    Thanks guys!

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