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  1. #1
    ggariepy started this thread.
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    Smile Gold fingers: even small-time operations can make money

    I just got done auctioning off a really small quantity of "finger board" gold fingers on eBay. Small as in only 50 grams! I wanted to test the market out and just used the handful of cut fingers that I had on hand. I'm going to get $15.27 (less the eBay fee) for what is a very tiny amount of material. I would guesstimate that this is about a dozen PCs worth of gold fingers, maybe a few more, maybe a few less.

    As I've mentioned elsewhere, I cut these off the boards using a regular coping saw, like you would use for fitting trim molding.

    I don't have a fancy electronic scale; the one I've got is the type used by people counting calories on a diet. So I took multiple pics of the material and the scale: both with the scale zeroed out and with the gold fingers in the tray.

    I'm pretty pleased with this. Now I must find a more reliable source of PCs.

    I also auctioned off a 14-piece lot of hard drive magnets which brought me $6.00 not counting the eBay fees or shipping. So the market for those on eBay is pretty good too.

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  3. #2
    jghilino's Avatar
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    everyone just goes for the fingers. Dont forget to trim off the solid gold plated areas on boards also some of them are even plated solid on both sides. I was taking apart cd rom drives today well i found a board that has some single sided solid plated on it, came out to 0.2 ounce worth, well thats $2 i wouldve missed if i hadnt trimed the board. Cell phone boards and lcd boards have a ton of solid plated on them.

    Im using scissors on the thin boards, using tin snips on the carrds/ thick pcb's.

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  5. #3
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    I would be careful about posting such low weighted items on ebay weighed w/ those type of scales. they may be fine, but it has been my experience they easily become a little off especially in low weights. You don't want bad eBay ratings over something like that or have to deal w/ someone wanting refund for missing grams. Most pawn shops have little cheap electronic scales for 8-12$ that weigh in gms/oz/lbs up to 10-15lbs and good from .1 grm

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  7. #4
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brucie View Post
    I would be careful about posting such low weighted items on ebay weighed w/ those type of scales. they may be fine, but it has been my experience they easily become a little off especially in low weights. You don't want bad eBay ratings over something like that or have to deal w/ someone wanting refund for missing grams. Most pawn shops have little cheap electronic scales for 8-12$ that weigh in gms/oz/lbs up to 10-15lbs and good from .1 grm
    I agree. Take that money and put it towards a postal scale from a buyer on E-bay. Well worth the money.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  9. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    This one will work just fine for you. I have on just like it. I also baught test weights to make sure it stays accurate.
    0 1g 1000g 1kg Waage Digital Pocket Balance Weighing Mini Scale New | eBay

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  11. #6
    ggariepy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    This one will work just fine for you. I have on just like it. I also baught test weights to make sure it stays accurate.
    0 1g 1000g 1kg Waage Digital Pocket Balance Weighing Mini Scale New | eBay
    You sold me. It's on its way to my house. Where did you get the test weights?


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  13. #7
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    ggariepy,i dont no about test weights but i know the exact weights of a couple items you probably have in your pockets right now.a nickel weighs 5 grams and a dollar bill weighs 1 gram hope this helps

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