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Broken circuit boards

| Computer Recycling
  1. #1
    anonymous started this thread.
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    Broken circuit boards

    Hi all, new to the forum

    I was wondering, is there any place that buys broken circuit boards?

    Would they be considered low-grade? If anyone has experience with selling broken boards what price per lb should i be looking at getting?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    As long as it's the same kind of board (Motherboard, server, etc.) they should buy it the same. As a rule of thumb for me, if a higher grade board has something on it I want, Transformer, etc. I will leave it on the board. But this is a question you need to ask your buyer.
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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    It all depends upon what kind of boards they are, tv/vcr/stereo (brown boards) or computer related (double green).
    Enlighten us a little more and we can answer you correctly. Most all places usually grind them anyway so being broke doesn't matter, but you don't have to break them to remove them. WTH,,,??
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  5. #4
    hobo finds's Avatar
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