In my opinon, you would do far better to take that time and break down your old hard drives. Boards from hard drives are worth good money. Aluminum from the hard drive frame is worth 40 Cents a pound at my scrap yard. Hard drive platters are worth a buck a pound.
It is tedious but seperating the aluminum into clean and dirty piles nets you far more than you will get from tearing apart motherboards. Plus the borads from hard drives go up dramtically if seperated from the drive ahead of time.
And I know that only whole motherborads fetch the highest price. If you knock off all the gold bearing stuff, you wind up with about 10 Cents of copper in the traces- not exactly a money maker!
Now heatsinks, etc, I take those off and sell them as clean scrap aluminum.
My scrap yard really apreciates the fact that they KNOW I seperate everything and that I have proven I am honest. They don't even bother checking stuff with magnets becuase they know I did already.
The Alco-Nickel magnets are worth scrap dollars too! But you have to have a good pile of them. And that metal bracket they are stuck to? THAT's NOT NORMAL STEEL! It is a special alloy worth good money! So smack those magnets off with a chisel or screwdriver, then stick them on your fridge until you get a pile big enough to recycle.
Box up the alloy and ask the scrap yard what it is worth! I forget what the special "magnet blocking alloy" is called. Anybody know?
Anyway, if you want to have fun and make money, tear those hard drives apart! Magnets are way more fun than silly of motherborads anyway.