So I was given a laptop last week, in exchange for destroying the hard drive. I destroyed the HD an am now stuck with the laptop. It has issues, won't hold a charge, whether it's plugged in a day or a week, nor will it detect the charger. No biggie, as I don't want to use the silly thing.
I know some of you folks deal in much can I expect for this if sold to a buyer? I have no idea if it's a p1 p2 p4, etc. So don't tell me to look at pricing cause everyone who buys them uses the p1 etc.
I don't plan to strip it, I just want it gone. Good screen, it fires up but again it won't charge so it won't stay on very long. An it has no HD since I had to destroy it for said client. Everything else is there.
Here is the info I have on it..
Dell Inspiron 1501
Model - pp231 a ( When I type this in a dell inspiron 1505 pops up, but this is the model number on the bottom!)
It's running windows XP Home.
So..if anyone knows if this silly thing is a p1, p2, pwhatever..let me know, or if you want it for scrap or to fix, shoot me a pm if you deal with these.
Thanks folks an sorry for the noob question, but I don't normally deal with laptops, so again thanks for any help an my apologies for asking a silly question.
Edit : Adding pics in case it helps!




Sirscrapalot - My idea of tech support...1. Set Laptop on table. 2. Get sledge. 3. Smash said laptop to hell.