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  1. #21
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Not a problem. We all had to learn. Barren has a great site with pictures for the CPUs an a couple other things. I will save you a bit of time..most the brown ones, you can just take to your local yard, or to a local buyer near you, who buys them. From my understanding it doesn't pay to ship the low grades. Mid and High is a different story. If dropping the brown/low grades at your yard, strip them of the copper, alum heat sinks, an occasionally there are other goodies. An when I say copper, I mean anything with copper on it, the tiny little thingamabobs wrapped in tape, the little ones you can see copper on, etc. High grade can come from a surprising number of things. Modems, sat/cable boxes, commercial printers( I think this is what I recall from the post), an many other things. Lots of alum heat sinks on the brown boards. More processors an such on mid an high or as most of love to see gold. More gold the better. Lest in my eyes.

    I know your likely tired of hearing it but, read the old threads, start from the farthest back an read a few each night an it'll get easier as you go, or focus in on the threads where you know the boards came from. If you search vcr a bunch of threads will pop up, same with stereo's, cd'roms, etc. Don't be in a rush to sell'm, as you'll just short change yourself an make life difficult for your buyer. Since you mentioned Ewasted, I know he'll sort on delivery but it's more helpful to everyone if you got things somewhat sorted. So if ya send in a pile of mid an high, an you know 4 of those are from computers, separate them, then put the others together, he's not going to pay you mid prices on high grade. He's an honest fellow as I'm sure you can tell if you read his buyer thread.

    You mentioned reading some stickies..I'm sure Mech or another will chime in with a link to it, but there is one out there with the pictures, an whats valuable. Another good one is Hoss's threads on TV's a lot of the stuff mentioned is also on stuff from VCR's, CD Players, etc. Keep your wire for the yard, or a local buyer, or even to ship if you can make it work price wise. An if you come across terms you don't let's say..Mylar..Google it, an then check the images. This also applies to buyer price lists, like ewasted, PTS, Barren an every other buyer..if you see a term on the list you don't recognize Google it. You'll usually find an image to go along with it. Some terms are interchangeable like daughter/finger boards. Some aren't like CPU's. I believe Barren has the best set of images out there for CPU's an the various types.

    Gah, yet another book I write. I feel this advice isn't hand holding so I share it, an gladly. I'll leave it up to you to do the rest of the work.

    Here's my protip of the day..You can find Hard Drives in a lot of things besides Computers. DVR boxes spring to mind. Whether cable or sat, if it's got DVR it's got a hard drive.

    Again your best bet may be to make a intro post, an see who replies, an if folks are near you, maybe a in person tutor session would be in order, most the folks on here would welcome such, an if not, they won't bite. Lest I hope not, an if they do make sure you've had a rabies vac. :P

    I'd offer, but unless you plan to visit NC, it won't be me. LOL.

    Either way, I once again wish you much luck an take your time, an study. Yea the stuff will stock pile but it just means a bigger pay day for you, not only in terms of quantity but also quality and knowledge. Even if you just end up going to the yard..knowing what to strip off an sell different is better then just going in an handing over all your boards, heat sinks an all!

    One last thing..Sorting boards is a difficult thing to learn, even for those of us who've doing it awhile. Every buyer is different on what he wants/accepts. So keep this in mind an don't beat yourself up to bad.

    To everyone else, I apologize for the lengthy post, but I'm hoping it'll help out our new member, an any others who stumble this way.

    Sirscrapalot - Knowledge isn't only power, it's also higher profit. - Me far as I know!

    Bonus quote - The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading. - David Bailey

    BroJer-Keeper of the Sirtalkalot Secret Decoder Ring

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  3. #22
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremysdemo View Post
    it would have cost me 16 quid to send the box
    really? I went to school in Bethlehem and don't recall prices quoted in "quid"

    Anyway, welcome aBOARD!

    Board basics: If it's green, it means green (what you call quid). If it's brown, flush it down.

    In other words, put it in your low-grade pile. There are exceptions to both, but not many.
    Last edited by volvoscrapper; 08-07-2013 at 09:44 AM.

  4. #23
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by volvoscrapper View Post
    really? I went to school in Bethlehem and don't recall prices quoted in "quid"

    Anyway, welcome aBOARD!

    Board basics: If it's green, it means green (what you call quid). If it's brown, flush it down.

    In other words, put it in your low-grade pile. There are exceptions to both, but not many.
    aw yes, regional dialects seems to have merged since the invention of the www. I do talk to a lot of brits.

    we also call them ducats around these here parts.

    my low grade pile is getting out of hand... I can't give it away on second avenue.

  5. #24
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    did you look around the buyer thread here? I recall a guy in Allentown paying decent for low grade, decent meaning like ten or fifteen cents a pound.

    convert to quid

    I know he was buying a lot of wire at one time. Anyway, you might try and connect with him for advice

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  7. #25
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Quid? You're not a limey are you? Welcome anyway, lol.
    Sometimes it is easier to go off forum to the real Google site and enter what you're looking for adding the word scrapmetalforum to the search term. An example would be something like " chinese boards scrapmetalforum". Sometimes it works better than looking in in the archives here, not sure why it is just one of those things that shouldn't happen but does.
    Good luck.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  9. #26
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by volvoscrapper View Post
    did you look around the buyer thread here? I recall a guy in Allentown paying decent for low grade, decent meaning like ten or fifteen cents a pound.

    I know he was buying a lot of wire at one time. Anyway, you might try and connect with him for advice
    I will look for the guy in Allentown that is my back yard. 15c a pound is better than the 6c they give you for light steel.

    I get about 1.22 for insulated wire locally, but if he can beat that I'll throw that in with the low grades.

  10. #27
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    Welcome to the forum.
    Quid? You're not a limey are you? Welcome anyway, lol.
    no bloody bloke here, I guess I was lucky I didn't say yen!
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    Sometimes it is easier to go off forum to the real Google site and enter what you're looking for adding the word scrapmetalforum to the search term. An example would be something like " chinese boards scrapmetalforum". Sometimes it works better than looking in in the archives here, not sure why it is just one of those things that shouldn't happen but does.
    Good luck.
    that is not something exclusive to this forum, it's common to many of them in searches.

    thanks for the tip, I did have trouble finding specific buyers to my state.

    tho I suspect they are lurking about.....

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  12. #28
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    are You kidding Me.. Nice.. Sheepers.. You weren't nice You were extemely Nice I'm amazed

    as far as what Sir says yes do what he stated you'll learn alot.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    I shall say this kindly...the box in the upper right section marked search, should be where you start your search for answers. Following that find the section of the site marked.."Electronic Recycling" or read. All your answers lie there. From Modems(which have some nice boards, they are not brown, an worth more then..shred price.) to vcrs, etc. Once your in that section an find a thread of interest at the bottom you will find a listing for similar threads. Click this an do some..wait for it..more reading. The answers you seek are here, but we're not going to go dig them up for you, thats up to you.

    The answers are there...reading a bunch of old posts may not excite you, but reanswering something we've all been answering for years now, is something that doesn't excite the rest of us, well most of us..we have a couple odd folks out there.

    The above is said in kindness, others might be harsher, others may take pity an do the work for you. I wouldn't hold my breath on the last option though.

    Good luck, an uh..grab a comfy chair an get to reading!

    Sirscrapalot - Being nice..I know..shocking.
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  14. #29
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    If he prefers to drink warm beer, can we ban him? Only real brits, an the kiwi's get the warm beer free pass...

    Just kidding! Ok..maybe not..warm beer is a bad thing, despite what our resident kiwi says!

    Sirscrapalot - If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they're full. - Dave Mustaine

  15. #30
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    If he prefers to drink warm beer, can we ban him? Only real brits, an the kiwi's get the warm beer free pass...

    Just kidding! Ok..maybe not..warm beer is a bad thing, despite what our resident kiwi says!

    Sirscrapalot - If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they're full. - Dave Mustaine
    I think warm beer is more prevalent amongst the Irish isles than in the UK,

    come off the cold soggy Mourne's and have yourself a hot cup of beer with some haggis.

  16. #31
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    ....Where is that ban hammer when you need it!

    I tease I tease!

    Sirscrapalot - Debates would be more fun if every time the speaker lied,stumbled, or just gave a bad answer, someone dropped a wet cat on them.

  17. #32
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    I certainly wouldn't drink a hot beer in the middle of a hot summer day! neither a hot tea (no milk in mine thanks)!

    but that moist cold weather of the Mourne's just chills you to the bone!

    you're likely to go into hypothermia drinking a cold beer after a long day like that.

    on the other hand, I prefer something light and cold in the hot humid weather of the south, no cold Yuengling lager bottle to be had (too bloaty), some Corona, Miller or a Landshark type of summer brews are best....
    Last edited by jeremysdemo; 08-08-2013 at 08:00 AM.

  18. #33
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Woodchuck pumkin hard cider tonight....

    I must say it's not all that pumkiny flavored.... a little less tart than the granny smiths tho,,,

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  20. #34
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    Ditto......this forum is a time saver,...before i read all these post i was about to sell of a lot of hard work and saving for peanuts.....the key is mass the more you have the more people and businesses will work with you, anything under 1oo pounds of whatever is not worth it,...its like the less you have more people try to cheat you,...

  21. #35
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Well, the brown board pile is up to about 30#, Green 5# and computer boards to 3#,

    contacted by a buyer in philly who is interested for a reasonable amount per pound, just waiting till I hit the 50# marker to make it worth the trip.

    thanx again to all whom participated in the saga.

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