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  1. #1
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Gauging value of Green boards (consumer electronics) brown boards etc.

    what can I say, I have a lot of circuit boards from various devices I get paid to haul off and recycle.

    I'm trying to gauge their value and trying to figure out who would be interested in buying them (besides the auto ebay answer)

    they come from VCR's, Tv's, CD players, modems, computers, exercise equipment, printers, well you get the idea.

    I understand computers seem to be worth more, and the goldfingers, processors and all that I found out in an ez thread.

    but what about the rest?

    I'm not trying to get rich off this stuff, but I'm hoping there is a better option than 6c a pound for light steel at the scrap yard.

    any ideas suggestions appreciated. I'm in Pennsylvania, so shipping could be an issue if the value is not there.

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I shall say this kindly...the box in the upper right section marked search, should be where you start your search for answers. Following that find the section of the site marked.."Electronic Recycling" or read. All your answers lie there. From Modems(which have some nice boards, they are not brown, an worth more then..shred price.) to vcrs, etc. Once your in that section an find a thread of interest at the bottom you will find a listing for similar threads. Click this an do some..wait for it..more reading. The answers you seek are here, but we're not going to go dig them up for you, thats up to you.

    The answers are there...reading a bunch of old posts may not excite you, but reanswering something we've all been answering for years now, is something that doesn't excite the rest of us, well most of us..we have a couple odd folks out there.

    The above is said in kindness, others might be harsher, others may take pity an do the work for you. I wouldn't hold my breath on the last option though.

    Good luck, an uh..grab a comfy chair an get to reading!

    Sirscrapalot - Being nice..I know..shocking.

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  4. #3
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Welcome to the SMF .

    You should Introduce yourself here Introduce yourself - Scrap Metal Forum

    and research the archives all the answers to your questions are there, read, read and read, i read it everyday.
    Last edited by ginofrater; 08-05-2013 at 07:58 PM.

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  6. #4
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    And look through the Scrap Buyers & Sellers section. Here, I'll point the way (I'm a nice guy well, usually): Scrap Buyers & Sellers - Scrap Metal Forum
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  8. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Oh I should add..shipping should pay off for you on at lest some of the boards you mention. High grade( doesn't have to just be from computers) and mid grade are both bought by sellers on here. I think there might even be one or two in your neck of the woods, and if not..Ohio isn't far from PA. Which is where one of our most beloved buyer is located. There are buyers all over the US from everything for legos an christmas lights to boards of varying grades. Mick showed you the way to that section( He really is a nice guy most of the time, don't tell him I said so tho. )

    Gino said it an I agree..give us a bit of a intro over in the introduction section, we like to know a little bout folks, an it helps us to help you. It's also a good way to see what folks are in your area. We have quite a few folks from PA. I'm sure they'd pop in to your intro thread to say hello. One of them even has been doing quite well for himself of late, an is a computer wiz kid an might be able to help you out with those boards. Now that I think of it we got several computer wiz's from PA or close by. They know their boards even if not from computers.

    Again good luck an getcha read on!

    Sirscrapalot - You PA people owe my cooler some fillage for the plug.

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  10. #6
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    yeah thanks guys,

    I have read a lot of threads before posting, but no closer to my answer, probably because I don't know the terminology being used in the first place, but I do know which devices I pulled the boards from.

    I saw an exhaustive list as I mentioned in the OP from e wast ed who seems to come highly recommended and even had a box of 16# ready to send to them last week...but could not make heads or tails of the list or their sight, tho they did have "other" as an option, I don't know a high end board from a skateboard, other than knowing the computer boards, cpu and ram were worth more.

    it would have cost me 16 quid to send the box, but I only had 4 computer boards in it (with the cpu's and cards removed) and the rest were from other types of electronics and wasn't sure their would be any return on that or if ew even takes non-computer boards.

    I suppose I could spend the next week or two researching the many boards and their individual values, or someone could just let me know if I am wasting my time in even pulling them and saving them.

    in another thread I did ask ew if he took other types of boards besides computers, but I could not find my post afterward, it may have been deleted.

    thank you Sirscrapalot, your answer has given me encouragement to learn a little more about what boards that are not computers are still "high grade" and armed with the knowledge that people here do buy mid grade boards I will be strengthened to carry on the quest!
    Last edited by jeremysdemo; 08-05-2013 at 07:34 PM.

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  12. #7
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    it's best in cases like that jeremy to simply get a picture and send to a buyer. You won't get much info anyway from other sources, as far as price structure, like that old tv commercial, only your buyer knows for sure ; )

  13. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by Bear:

  14. #8
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    it's best in cases like that jeremy to simply get a picture and send to a buyer. You won't get much info anyway from other sources, as far as price structure, like that old tv commercial, only your buyer knows for sure ; )
    thank you for the tip, that is something I think I can handle

  15. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Not a problem. We all had to learn. Barren has a great site with pictures for the CPUs an a couple other things. I will save you a bit of time..most the brown ones, you can just take to your local yard, or to a local buyer near you, who buys them. From my understanding it doesn't pay to ship the low grades. Mid and High is a different story. If dropping the brown/low grades at your yard, strip them of the copper, alum heat sinks, an occasionally there are other goodies. An when I say copper, I mean anything with copper on it, the tiny little thingamabobs wrapped in tape, the little ones you can see copper on, etc. High grade can come from a surprising number of things. Modems, sat/cable boxes, commercial printers( I think this is what I recall from the post), an many other things. Lots of alum heat sinks on the brown boards. More processors an such on mid an high or as most of love to see gold. More gold the better. Lest in my eyes.

    I know your likely tired of hearing it but, read the old threads, start from the farthest back an read a few each night an it'll get easier as you go, or focus in on the threads where you know the boards came from. If you search vcr a bunch of threads will pop up, same with stereo's, cd'roms, etc. Don't be in a rush to sell'm, as you'll just short change yourself an make life difficult for your buyer. Since you mentioned Ewasted, I know he'll sort on delivery but it's more helpful to everyone if you got things somewhat sorted. So if ya send in a pile of mid an high, an you know 4 of those are from computers, separate them, then put the others together, he's not going to pay you mid prices on high grade. He's an honest fellow as I'm sure you can tell if you read his buyer thread.

    You mentioned reading some stickies..I'm sure Mech or another will chime in with a link to it, but there is one out there with the pictures, an whats valuable. Another good one is Hoss's threads on TV's a lot of the stuff mentioned is also on stuff from VCR's, CD Players, etc. Keep your wire for the yard, or a local buyer, or even to ship if you can make it work price wise. An if you come across terms you don't let's say..Mylar..Google it, an then check the images. This also applies to buyer price lists, like ewasted, PTS, Barren an every other buyer..if you see a term on the list you don't recognize Google it. You'll usually find an image to go along with it. Some terms are interchangeable like daughter/finger boards. Some aren't like CPU's. I believe Barren has the best set of images out there for CPU's an the various types.

    Gah, yet another book I write. I feel this advice isn't hand holding so I share it, an gladly. I'll leave it up to you to do the rest of the work.

    Here's my protip of the day..You can find Hard Drives in a lot of things besides Computers. DVR boxes spring to mind. Whether cable or sat, if it's got DVR it's got a hard drive.

    Again your best bet may be to make a intro post, an see who replies, an if folks are near you, maybe a in person tutor session would be in order, most the folks on here would welcome such, an if not, they won't bite. Lest I hope not, an if they do make sure you've had a rabies vac. :P

    I'd offer, but unless you plan to visit NC, it won't be me. LOL.

    Either way, I once again wish you much luck an take your time, an study. Yea the stuff will stock pile but it just means a bigger pay day for you, not only in terms of quantity but also quality and knowledge. Even if you just end up going to the yard..knowing what to strip off an sell different is better then just going in an handing over all your boards, heat sinks an all!

    One last thing..Sorting boards is a difficult thing to learn, even for those of us who've doing it awhile. Every buyer is different on what he wants/accepts. So keep this in mind an don't beat yourself up to bad.

    To everyone else, I apologize for the lengthy post, but I'm hoping it'll help out our new member, an any others who stumble this way.

    Sirscrapalot - Knowledge isn't only power, it's also higher profit. - Me far as I know!

    Bonus quote - The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading. - David Bailey

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  17. #10
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    I am turning down a lot of CRv (old school) monitors locally lately, I just have too many of them in storage already and no time to take out the boards.

    I typically take out the boards and wire and a few other components for recycle then put them back together and drop them off at Best buy.

    if I had an idea of what they were worth each I could justify picking up the 10 or so ones I turn down a week....and sell them to someone here!

    if it's worth either of our time a buyer here could tell me.

  18. #11
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    thanks again Sirscrapalot for the book!

    I do feel a bit better now, that I have not been wasting my time saving all these boards, some of them (especially the printer/scanner boards) are not all that easy to get out! it's like you have to know Chinese origami or something.

    it was also a blessing finding this forum as I was all set to send my boards out to a company (will not mention the name) and did a rip off research and a thread here popped up with a guy who sent 27# of computer boards to the scam company and got a check for $3.14, that saved me a lot of frustration!
    Last edited by jeremysdemo; 08-05-2013 at 08:22 PM.

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  20. #12
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    No problem. If I helped I'm happy.

    Make me happy an go forth an scrap some more!

    An that was supposed be short an sweet, but I think someone replaced the beverages in my cooler with something that makes me want to write novels...

    Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler, quote master, an apparently a book writer.

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  22. #13
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    WOW it's a good thing fun is allowed here!

    some forums like to slap down the ban hammer when you go "off topic" or try anything jovial

    I will heed the word and scrap some more, scrap long and prosper! <---Spock.

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  24. #14
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    If fun was banned, I'd be on a permanent vacation...once you been around awhile you come to see as the others have..I'm the lead conductor of the crazy train here.

    To be fair..Hi-jacking anothers thread isn't a good thing but it happens now an then an most folks understand and don't get huffy. If they do, they'll let ya know.

    An the Spock made me lol..thank you.

    Sirscrapalot - I live to laugh, and I laugh to live. - Milton Berle

  25. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    it was also a blessing finding this forum as I was all set to send my boards out to a company (will not mention the name) and did a rip off research and a thread here popped up with a guy who sent 27# of computer boards to the scam company and got a check for $3.14, that saved me a lot of frustration!
    We know well who your talking about and you will find a buyer here with a similar name but that's the only thing they have in common. You can read his reviews from all his overjoyed customers right here in the buyer/seller section.
    Scrap Buyers & Sellers - Scrap Metal Forum

    The company your talking about runs by 4 or 5 different names.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  26. #16
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    thank you all for the kind words and advice,

    but alas if I stay up all night they will miss me at the scrap yard tomorrow morning!

    I will certainly be checking in from time to time to see any more responses to the thread and working my way around the buyer forum peddling my meager wares for a brighter and happier tomorrow, there is a light at the end of the tunnel now....and as long as it is not a large capacitor everything is going to be alright!

  27. #17
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    it's best in cases like that jeremy to simply get a picture and send to a buyer.
    did you have anyone in mind in particular? not allowed to post in the sellers area yet.

    I have three lots, #1. computer (3ct. 4lbs will fit in flat rate 13-5/8" x 11-7/8" x 3-3/8") #2. various green boards (modem, printers/scanners/tredmill 2.5lbs 10ct. will fit in flat rate 11" x 8-1/2" x 5-1/2") #3. various brown boards (some with green on back, Tv's, VCrs, CD players,CRT, tape player, kibbles and bits, 10lbs, fit's in 11X11X17 box).

    probably not worth shipping, would prefer to deal locally (mid-Eastern Pennsylvania, or western NJ (eg Philipsburg) if worth the trip.

    Lot #1


    Lot #2

    Lot #3

    ****if you quote my post you can see the URL's of the images****

    buyers take your pick or take them ALL! close to 17 lbs altogether. (could fit them all in 11x11x17 Fed ex quote 17 dollars shipping to Ohio from 18015.

  28. #18
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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  29. #19
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremysdemo View Post
    did you have anyone in mind in particular? not allowed to post in the sellers area yet.

    I have three lots, #1. computer (3ct. 4lbs will fit in flat rate 13-5/8" x 11-7/8" x 3-3/8") #2. various green boards (modem, printers/scanners/tredmill 2.5lbs 10ct. will fit in flat rate 11" x 8-1/2" x 5-1/2") #3. various brown boards (some with green on back, Tv's, VCrs, CD players,CRT, tape player, kibbles and bits, 10lbs, fit's in 11X11X17 box).

    probably not worth shipping, would prefer to deal locally (mid-Eastern Pennsylvania, or western NJ (eg Philipsburg) if worth the trip.

    ****if you quote my post you can see the URL's of the images****

    buyers take your pick or take them ALL! close to 17 lbs altogether. (could fit them all in 11x11x17 Fed ex quote 17 dollars shipping to Ohio from 18015.
    Keep stockpiling and plan on a small road trip; The brown boards might pay for the gas for the trip.

    The rest you can find yourself,,, it's late. Yawnnnnn

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  31. #20
    jeremysdemo started this thread.
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    thank you,

    Philly is not all that far from me. (Bethlehem)

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