This is a (ROUGH) breakdown of my first 500 computers. I kept pretty good records, but some of the numbers may be off still. Everyones experience will be different, I thought I'd share mine. Alot of the computers I got were gutted already, but I counted them all. Enjoy.
Motherboards.................... 750 lbs........ X $3.00 = $2250 (Finger cards included)
Assorted CPU.................... 18.5 lbs.
Ram................................. 12.5 lbs.
Shred steel....................... 7000 lbs...... X $0.08 = $560
Fans................................ 150 lbs.
Brass................................ 10 lbs........ X 1.80 = $18
Ext. Aluminum.................... 230 lbs....... X 0.50 = $115
Copper............................. 70 lbs......... X 2.80 = $196
Cu/ Alum Rads.................... 55 lbs........ X 0.55 = $30.25
Power supply...................... 1400 lbs..... X 0.10 = $140
CD drive Boards................... 47 lbs.
Hard Drives........................ X265 (not broken down yet)
MB batteries....................... 4 lbs.
Gold ends........................... 22 lbs.
Ins wire............................. 220 lbs....... X 1.00 = $220
Ribben wire........................ 110 lbs........ X 0.70 = $77
Tant caps.......................... 0.5 lbs.
Total ...............................10090 lbs / 500 = 20.18 lbs. average weight per computer to start.
Total = $3606.25
EDIT: Added totals for items I have sold. I don't have prices for the other items yet. If someone gives me the rest of the prices I will edit it with the grand total. And edited some numbers