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  1. #1
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Sell whole vs parts /boards . A poll . Just your opinion about your practice or met

    It's all about you and what you found out doing your own research and tests. Show your science.

    1.what do you sell whole and why.
    What do you part out and why .
    2.Do you resell parts vs scrapping?
    3.Do you test any parts ?
    4. Why do you do it ? Really, do you even know what you are doing? Going through the motions faking? What is your goal ? REALLY !

    Last edited by blacksteel; 06-09-2014 at 02:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Evan's Avatar
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    I've only sold boards once and they were whole. I can't think of any reason why I would benefit from taking them apart. That seems like something for the refiners or at the very least for people much more knowledgeable then I am.

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  4. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I have faked my way to almost 700 positive ebay feedback so it can be done!!!!!!!!!

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  6. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Fake it till you make it.
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  8. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacksteel View Post
    It's all about you and what you found out doing your own research and tests. Show your science.

    1.what do you sell whole and why.
    What do you part out and why .
    2.Do you resell parts vs scrapping?
    3.Do you test any parts ?
    4. Why do you do it ? Really, do you even know what you are doing? Going through the motions faking? What is your goal ? REALLY !
    The answer to question 4 What is my goal???.........To pay my bills and support my family..........My question to you is the point of this post???.......Is there a point or is this just gibberish??

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  10. #6
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    The answer to question 4 What is my goal???.........To pay my bills and support my family..........My question to you is the point of this post???.......Is there a point or is this just gibberish??
    The point is first person personal feedback . We want to know your thoughts and finds. Just a personal conclusion. If some can process that. Scrap data discovered. Mind expansion I'm what ? I'm few months in now. I faked and clawed my way to the know. Now I'm about 40% smarter. If I knew then what I think I know now. ......I'd ......hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm.
    Last edited by blacksteel; 06-09-2014 at 02:55 AM.

  11. #7
    Swampy's Avatar
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    I'm debating what to do with some older laptops (scrap or sell whole). I've read over some archived discussions and it seems to be an issue without clear consensus. The laptops I have are school surplused and have a variety of ailments (failed MB's, etc.). They are all at least 5-7 years old and as noted most, if not all, have some problem that led them to be "retired". I can sell them as is to a SMF buyer at $1.10 / pound. I might place them on ebay, but given age & condition not sure there would be a point in that. Obviously, I could also scrap them. I will end up with about 20-25 in total with more to come periodically in the future. Throw them in a box and ship them or break them down? I have several towers to dismantle too, so I will probably make a decision during the course of that endeavor.

    I am not really "tech savvy", so I don't see testing & parting out to be a viable option for me. Thus it boils down to sell whole or scrap.

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  13. #8
    billygoat's Avatar
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    My personal take on it is that if they can't support Windows 7 or 8, they get torn apart. If they can, I'll look into selling them. The earlier operating systems are no longer supported, so no use trying to sell them.

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  15. #9
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Every machine is a judgement call. There has got to be at least fifteen or twenty different ways of making money with it.

    I've got three machines loaded w/ Vista that i refurbished sitting on the shelf. They run really well. The OS is still supported but Vista has such a bad rep that there's no market for them. I could wipe the drives and load win 7 but the cost of a new operating system w/ COA is so high that it would eat up all of the profit margin. I use them in the shop instead.

    Ran across two win 7 machines over the past year. There were OS problems with each. With the first, the OS was completely trashed but for a total cost of about 30$ i got fresh installation discs from the mfgr and ended up with a virtually new machine. ( kept that one for myself.) The second i was able to repair the software and reload the os. Ended up with a net profit of about 230.00$ when that one sold.

    Not a big fan of Mac but i ran across an older laptop that needed a power supply. Bought an aftermarket PS, verified that it was operable, and then sold it to a company out in Cali. that specializes in refurbing them. They even paid the shipping ! That was a case where it was much more profitable to sell whole.

    I've parted out any number of machines that were obsolete over the past year. Maybe fifty ? There are no local buyers of whole computers so parting out is the only viable option. The boards get shipped out to a buyer. Things like copper, aluminum, motors, power boards, wire, etc. will be sold at the scrapyard about fifty miles away once a pickup truck load has been accumulated.

    I've had some machines where it was profitable to resell some of the parts. Ran across a nice quad core gaming board w/ four 2 gb pc-2 3200 high end memory chips. Used the memory for two machines that i was upgrading and sold the processor.

    The point is that it varies. It's not a straight sell whole or part out. It's all situational.

    Question 4: Why do it ?

    a: It's fun and interesting
    b: It's something new to learn. ( And there's A LOT to learn.)
    c: I've been running a (small) profitable business of my own for about 13 years now. It's not really about the money but i'm curious to see if if this new thing can be made to work on a very small scale.
    d: I like to stay busy. This gives me something useful to do when things are slow with my primary business.
    e: I've met some good people along the way.
    f: It's an investment in the future. I'll be getting near retirement age in another eight to ten years. If i can get it up and running smoothly by then it would be something than an old fulla could do to generate a little extra income every month in his golden years.

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