That's when I bug folks like you if it's worth my time.
I don't bother to resell CPUs, or RAM. If it's one them fancy gold cpu's it goes in my OMG IT"S GOLD™ bucket for future refining.
Otherwise it all gets shipped out to the buyers unless I see someone on here looking for something. I save my reselling for whole computers that function, and other various goodies. Testing computer stuff is just not worth the time for me, since I don't deal with
eBay in anyways as most here know. I will set cards to the side tho, simple to test, an what not. No need to build a rig, or own 50 different ones just to test a cpu.
I dance to my own tune, so it's ok if nobody else digs the way I do things.

If folks want to test items, more power to them. I choose not to. Leaves me more time to do other things.
An..Good to see ya back FL, place was a little quiet without you popping in!
Sirscrapalot - Does the funky chicken while the rest of you do the waltz.