I'm just throwing something out there for everyone's consideration.
First off: This is a link to the HIPPA law. ( It's pretty vague )
Secondly: The mindset seems to be that you have to spend all kinds of money and buy a machine to do good data destruction. Why not step back and re-think this ?
All you would have to do to meet the HIPPA standard of hard drive destruction is the following:
A: Remove hard drive
B: Remove front cover of hard drive
C: Snip the reader arm away with a pair of wire cutters
D: Remove the platter(s)
E: Cut the platters into quarters with a pair of tin snips.(It's no more difficult than cutting up a credit card.)
Someone just starting out could get into data destruction with an investment of under fifty dollars. As you make money with it re-invest the profits into buying better tools & machinery. That way you won't have to pay tax on your income.
Just don't let your customer see how easy it is.