Yep, use a electric screwdriver or loose your head to boredom.
You will probably need a Torx driver too. Definatly if you are scrapping the harddrives.
I brought a screwdriver set for NZ$10, yellow and black plastic handle, you will probably find them in harbourfreight for less.
They have the right torx drivers for the hard drives. And have lasted for me.
Buy them at the price you will get when you sell the sheetmetal/shread from the casings.
That way you won't loose money, and as Im told, "its your Time that makes you money, not the scrapmetal itself".
Also, as soon as you open one to scrap it down, spray all the black dust mess down with a spraybottle full of water/dishwash liquid/antiseptic/alcohol mix, your own concoction of this stuff. Just a tiny amount of alcohol.
That dampens down the virus ridden mess inside them. Never inhale any of that. My eyes got sore and i get facesweats and started to get sick before I started spraying that mess down. It maybe a geat way of inocculation against viruses but Im not in favour of it.
Also, dump the power supplys in a bucket of soapy water as soon as you pull themout.
Doing this will return your boards back to looking like new too if you rinse the mess off. Use a disposible facemask and eyeprotection when opening the computers too.
Read whats in this site, theres plenty of info. Remember to remove ALL the batterys.
Photo all your boards in groups before sending away or selling, so you know what you have later on.
Use gloves so you don't get the white heatsink paste on your hands, some of that stuff is dangerous, most isn't, but its messy anyway.