Is he handling the shipping? Laptops get very heavy, very quickly.
We have a buyer on here that takes them for $1.45/pound if they're not missing more than the RAM and one more item. He'll pay for the shipping, so you know what the exact price/pound he'll pay is ($1.45). A small netbook type laptop weighs about 3.5 pounds, so he would pay $5.08 for it. An "average laptop" weighs about 4.5-5 pounds, so you would be paid $6.53-$7.25 for them. Really large laptops can weigh 6-7 pounds, so for them you would be paid $8.70-$10.15 for them.
Personally, I'd chat with the buyer on here. You'll make an extra $2/laptop on the average sized ones. Over a 100 laptop shipment, that's an extra $200. That difference would be worth it to me. As local buyers go, it's probably a fair price, but I am always willing to ship to make more money.