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Mining Rig from Scrap? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Last edited by ryanw; 07-26-2022 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #22
    kss is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    Anyone still here mining or into cryptocurrency? I can answer questions about it to the best of my ability. My portfolio currently is heavy on Ethereum...which has been something to mine since 2018. The current De-Fi explosion has given Ethereum a boost, and moving to 2.0 will be a game changer...ETH just has to get there in a timely fashion. I believe the marketcap of Ethereum will surpass Bitcoin's sooner than later.

    From what I have heard, unless you have cheap (or free) electricity and the latest (expensive) GPUs..... it is not profitable. Or unless you have dedicated asci miners which are also expensive and always low in supply and hard to get.....

    Now if you are someone who doesn't want to MINE and just wants to buy crypto, that is super speculative and volatile. Ive been burned on it back in the last spike, but do still hold a bit just for fun. Its more of a fun curiosity that an investment since it can all go to squat in an instant. So can fiat currency I suppose but.... meh

  3. #23
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    Last edited by ryanw; 07-26-2022 at 01:57 PM.

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  5. #24
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    I am in the process of gathering hardware to build my first rig. I am going to use 8-10 3060 ti gpus. I need some advice on psu, risers, morherboard and CPU.
    I am also wondering if the rig will be stable with 10 cards?
    Anything else i should know or consider when choosing hardware?
    Also, as i understand when eth 2.0 takes over mining ethereum will end. From what i can read this will take anything from months to years. As i see it the market will then be flooded with gpus and hash power, gpus will be worth next to nothing because of the amount and the surplus of hash power will make nothing profitable to mine. But still gpus are sold out everywhere. Why?
    For me i am using the rig also to heat my gym, so i consider the electricity free as i would need to heat it anyway. So I am thinking it is worth the risk, if everything goes to **** i have just bought an expensive oven.

  6. #25
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by namangarg View Post
    [FONT="]I am in the process of gathering hardware to build my first rig. I am going to use 8-10 3060 ti gpus. I need some advice on psu, risers, morherboard and CPU.[/FONT]
    [FONT="]I am also wondering if the rig will be stable with 10 cards?[/FONT]
    [FONT="]Anything else i should know or consider when choosing hardware?[/FONT]
    [FONT="]Also, as i understand when eth 2.0 takes over mining ethereum will end. From what i can read this will take anything from months to years. As i see it the market will then be flooded with gpus and hash power, gpus will be worth next to nothing because of the amount and the surplus of hash power will make nothing profitable to mine. But still gpus are sold out everywhere. Why?[/FONT]
    For me i am using the rig also to heat my gym, so i consider the electricity free as i would need to heat it anyway. So I am thinking it is worth the risk, if everything goes to **** i have just bought an expensive oven.
    We are moving into the summer months here so not sure how helpful it would be

  7. #26
    kss is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by namangarg View Post
    I am in the process of gathering hardware to build my first rig. I am going to use 8-10 3060 ti gpus. I need some advice on psu, risers, morherboard and CPU.
    I am also wondering if the rig will be stable with 10 cards?
    Anything else i should know or consider when choosing hardware?
    Also, as i understand when eth 2.0 takes over mining ethereum will end. From what i can read this will take anything from months to years. As i see it the market will then be flooded with gpus and hash power, gpus will be worth next to nothing because of the amount and the surplus of hash power will make nothing profitable to mine. But still gpus are sold out everywhere. Why?
    For me i am using the rig also to heat my gym, so i consider the electricity free as i would need to heat it anyway. So I am thinking it is worth the risk, if everything goes to **** i have just bought an expensive oven.

    This is a scrap metal forum. You would probably have better luck asking these questions on a crypto mining forum or on reddit. Good luck

  8. #27
    alloy2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    Anyone still here mining or into cryptocurrency? I can answer questions about it to the best of my ability. My portfolio currently is heavy on Ethereum...which has been something to mine since 2018. The current De-Fi explosion has given Ethereum a boost, and moving to 2.0 will be a game changer...ETH just has to get there in a timely fashion. I believe the marketcap of Ethereum will surpass Bitcoin's sooner than later.

  9. #28
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I bought a space heater the other day. Guess what I found inside?

  10. #29
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I opened this because I thought there would be a picture of a goat

  11. #30
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I haven't seen Hobo around lately.

    He is the goat man

    Goo goo g'joob.

  12. #31
    TrapperX's Avatar
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    Yeah mining is tough but there is one coin you can still mine on 2GB cards and it's Vertcoin.
    They make it easy with their OCM (one click miner) but you do need to add it to your antivirus and windows defender exclusions.
    You can use other miners but this makes it easy.

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