I take the battery of the board, mostly they just clip into a plastic surround attached to the board, that's the coin sized battery.
If it's soldered to the board by metal strips, I use pliers to work it off. Don't use force or just your fingers. When that metal strip rips or breaks, it's really sharp & you can ( I did ) slice yourself on it ( badly ).
The other battery's I often find on Apple equipment is a cylinder shaped Purple & Green Lithium battery. Some are replaceable & some are soldered onto the board.
There's been a few other odd battery's, mostly a plastic box double side taped onto the board.
Battery's HAVE to be removed before transport as a safety measure.
I also any Ferrous metal off as well.
That's the 'Tinsel' from the face of the USB etc sockets, normally it's held on by the Chrome/Nickel plated Brass hexagon screws. (It's NOT the metal sheilding surrounding sockets)
The extra metal around the CPU socket, the lever & the top plate of pinless CPU, the metal plate on the back of the board that's used to attach the heatsink assembly to the board. Most of the time it's a 'X' shape with 4 threaded holes in it.
Aluminium heatsinks. There's ones held on by screws, some held on by pins, or soldered on tabs crimped into the heatsink.
And some are glued to a SMD chip on the board. I twist it first with a screwdriver or pliers & it might come off, if it's not moving, a heatgun/paint stripper aimed at it for a few seconds will soften the glue enough.to loosen it.
Sometimes when I have tried levering them off, the chip breaks off the board.
Any large Aluminium can capacitors that will make stacking the board's later on harder, or waste space when packing. They are worth less than the board, so taking them off increases the value of the board to the buyer anyway.
Excess Steel may devalue the board's, find out first. The buyer will probably specify, if they don't, find out the answer. The extra weight could increase shipping costs.
Aluminium heatsinks, again, worth less than the board. I have seen it specificed that there "should be no heatsinks". Mostly they are extruded Ali. So not that much of a loss.
Copper heatsinks. They are worth more than the board ( by weight ). So you make extra coin by removing them. It's rare to find them though.
That's all that I would take off the board except the CPU & memory sticks.