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Hard drive boards & Laptop Boards

| Computer Recycling
  1. #1
    drozenski started this thread.
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    Hard drive boards & Laptop Boards

    I have a general question about laptop and hard drive boards.

    Hard drive boards sell for much more then your standard motherboard.

    My question is will some of you that purchase E-scrap buy laptop boards for a similar price or the same price as hard drive boards?


  2. #2
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    Laptop = server grade.

    I will buy them at server but they need to be cleaned good. They tend to have a good bit of steel on them.
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  3. #3
    drozenski started this thread.
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    I checked your buying thread you have no mention of server grade.

    Whats the price on that?

  4. #4
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Nowhere here buys computer boards etc & I can't be bothered getting into it.

    But, in general, should I just put aside all of the computer boards I find, computer, fax & copier & game boards etc until I have a few sacks full in the future.

    Or add time to them by ripping out the general $ worthy parts & discarding the rest? Time = $.

    I save the 2 big square chips off computers at the moment, but I see 'gold' in other places like memory cards fingers etc.

    Since no ones processing them, I think I could get whatevers being thrown out for the next few years in this area.
    I can make a big ballmill to crush the bits into dust, I'm thinking a windpowered ballmill so its working most of the time, for free.

  5. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    It's already pretty general knowledge on the gold forum that most home refiners of gold tend to loose 50-60% just cause they don't know what their doing. It's worth it to ship or sell to someone that DOES know what their doing to capture the other 50-60% and even if they charge a % you still come out way ahead. Your way, your just throwing a few grams away every time you break it down. Just my opinion.
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  6. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Heck yeah if you can break them down with a ballmill into powder. I bet easy or some buyer here could do a broker deal on enuff weight. I know easy was talkign to someone from aussieland about buying there stuff NZ aint much difference.

  7. #7
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    drozenski reason why I did not have a price on listed on here alot of people will mix in motherboards into there server boards and they get all mad. So what I do...when it comes here and you have good weight I will pick out the server and pay you more. But you need to have a min of 100pounds of server for me to pay more for it than just paying motherboard price. Server grade boards I am paying $4.70 a pound. The reason why you need to have 100pounds or more is due to the fact of what its worth. If you send only 3pounds its not worth picking out of the motherboards. (this is part of my dealer pricing that I offer to those who have POUNDS and deal with me often.)

    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Nowhere here buys computer boards etc & I can't be bothered getting into it.
    eesakiwi save them up and ship them out. If no one there is buying them then you have the best can get all the boards from everyone and not have any one topping your price that in turns means more money for you.

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