So i got my first scrap car the other day! Work has been so busy i havent had a chance to take to the yard yet. Next thing i know i have a note on my trailer saying a guy is interested in buying it. Finally able to meet up with him and he says its not in that great of shape. Now the only body damage it has it one fender by the headlight and the bumper has a few dents. It does run but leaks oil and needs a battery. Now he tells me that he just wants it for parts and what is the lowest i will take for it. So i through out $700 (it doesnt have a title but is free and clear of leins and all that good stuff). He says the most he could do is 300. I just wanted to laugh! As it sat scrape value is almost 450 Needless to say he didnt get it but said he will think it over. What do you all think?