Originally Posted by
Copper Head
I was wondering if there are any wrench heads out there
I have a truck problem & I need this truck back working
It started having issues in winter ( my Ford econoline 4.2 V-6)
Sluggish start and nasty sounding starter
Then dead of winter stopped starting just clicking
Battery was bad so in went a new battery – No Help
Tested old starter and yes it was bad
Put in new starter and still just clicking ??
I just don't see a wire problem
I can test with a meter to see if I am getting proper volts (tomorrow)
I will tell you - this motor ran sweet smooth had power
I don't think it is seized it ran perfect till the clicking issue
The auto parts wants me to get a relay solenoid @ $15 they say it could be that
It could be something simple but what ?
I would go with the $15.00 solenoid, when your starter was nearing the fritz you were drawing extra heavy amperage which more than likely burned out the contacts inside the relay.
To test you can use a jumper to bypass the relay, hook your bypass onto the battery side of the relay the touch the other end of your jumper onto the starter side, if the starter turns over then you know the relay is shot.
Jumper cable should be as heavy as your battery cable, anything lighter will get hot and possibly burn you.