Awhile ago I asked my folks if they could get a hold of the woman that owns a camp next to them since they were tearing down part of shed and had a hot water heater,busted maytag ringer washer and some other stuff. I didn't hear nothing for awhile then out of the blue she and her boy friend stopped by on Sunday told me to go in and take all the metal check all the sheds if there is any in there grab it wire take it I want it gone. At this point I'm trying hard to hide my smile and keep from jumping up and down. Her boyfriend said there should be 2 truck loads and a trailer. Welllll I already got a full truck and trailer plus another 3/4 truck load a 35 gallon drum of #1 wire Aluminum up the arse ! (it was late and the skeeters and nats got bad) this is from one side of the house still have another 3 lots to do old motors,tin, and walk in freezer that her dad used as a pig pen she told me to hook up and rip the steel and doors off (heavy brass

if the shed comes down leave it I'll burn it.Lot's of goodies then to top it off she told me that she would pay me to take some trash to the dump that was in here basement ( old clothes and dishes ) said what ever treasures I find I can keep
Then I get an email from another woman yesterday I've hauled a dishwasher and a stove from her before she asked if I wanted old grills and a screen door because she has an apartment building and has tons of stuff she has to get rid of. I told her I take just about anything. So we'll be meeting up next week.
There's money to be made you just have to go out and get it !