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Doing Monitors and TV'S BIG?

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  1. #1
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    if you were really good at jenga game back in the day then you got a good start on stacking them.
    I was good at that game lol.. now if I had the space, the knowledge on how to receive amounts more than 2 to 4 TV's a week would be nice. but since I don't I pick up the projection TV's to pass the time but theres lots of plastic and mirrored glass/wood to dispose of an no one in site to buy that stuff.

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycleGuy View Post
    I was good at that game lol.. now if I had the space, the knowledge on how to receive amounts more than 2 to 4 TV's a week would be nice. but since I don't I pick up the projection TV's to pass the time but theres lots of plastic and mirrored glass/wood to dispose of an no one in site to buy that stuff.
    Find a thrift store, an tell'm that you'll take every broken, and working tv. LOL. You'll have a bunch! An CL works for it also. It's what I do, right now I only collect from my thrift store, an previous connections when they have some. Hotels also when they do remodels, or after big storms, etc. They are out there.

    Edit to add : Oh I forgot..on the wood. Try to offer it for free on Cl or whatever you want to charge if you do. It's great for random projects. I turn a projection screen tv base, into a mini table for the wife, to do her crafts on. Turned another one into a tool/whatever table for smacking things around in the shop. So now when I get'm I take'm apart carefully so I can reuse the wood as a table or new cabinet, etc. Lots of uses, just think outside the box.

    Sirscrapalot - an in the morning, we can make waffles! - Donkey, from Shrek.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 08-10-2013 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #3
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Find a thrift store, an tell'm that you'll take every broken, and working tv. LOL. You'll have a bunch! An CL works for it also. It's what I do, right now I only collect from my thrift store, an previous connections when they have some. Hotels also when they do remodels, or after big storms, etc. They are out there.

    Edit to add : Oh I forgot..on the wood. Try to offer it for free on Cl or whatever you want to charge if you do. It's great for random projects. I turn a projection screen tv base, into a mini table for the wife, to do her crafts on. Turned another one into a tool/whatever table for smacking things around in the shop. So now when I get'm I take'm apart carefully so I can reuse the wood as a table or new cabinet, etc. Lots of uses, just think outside the box.

    Sirscrapalot - an in the morning, we can make waffles! - Donkey, from Shrek.
    actually that's good advice.. I did check on local GW. and they said check back in 3 months.. but also made contacts with local tv repair shops who do not really fix those TV's anymore so they give out my number. worked good.. as far as the projection wooden bases yes just today I left the speakers in and had a nice set of sealed speakers from another projection tv and told my friend about it, he's going to rig up an outdoor stereo slash what ever he makes from it.. I would add a cushion and make it a party chair... he wants the mirrors and frame them for deco in his house.

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