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Not a sure thing, but keeping fingers crossed!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Not a sure thing, but keeping fingers crossed!

    So went to my yard today to drop off some scrap before iron/copper prices drop much more, and to clean out part of my workshop before friends get into town this weekend. Had spoken with my yard manager previously about setting something up so I could process their ewaste. Right now they don't take anything but low grade boards(tv,stereos, etc). It's a local yard, small time, maybe a half dozen employee's if even that though they do a right good business.

    Anyhow, so I took them a price list from Ewasted and Easy to show them the money that could be made if they took in computers and such. Yard manager's eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw the list. LOL. Fine folks and always treat me right so I told'm..."You start buying this stuff and I'll process the stuff for ya." His eyes lit up again at that. I think he was glad he didn't have to learn all the stuff that goes into ewaste! lol. We got only one yard here on my sandbar that buys computers an they pay crap not to mention extremely rude. So I'm all about helping the folks at my yard out. They do just fine on the ferrous/non-ferrous but hey, I'm sure they'd like even more money in their pockets! Haha.

    So after all this, me and the mngr were talking and he asked if the owner was game, how I'd want to do this. Which leads me to my question..What is a good rate on something like this? They are buying it, and I'm breaking it down for shipping to our fine buyers here. I was thinking a 60/40 split, they are taking a bit more of a risk with the buying side I'd imagine. I just have to break it down and process it right so Easy and Ewasted don't track me down an break my kneecaps.

    So yea..if you skipped the above 3 book story I'll sum it up here.."What would you charge if you were put in charge of your yard's ewaste?"

    If this works out I'd be set for a good while. So I've got every finger crossed even a toe or three!

    Admin/Mods if this is the wrong place for this I apologize, just felt like the right area of the forum!

    Sirscrapalot and his traveling cooler had quite the productive day.

  2. #2
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    Charge them per computer is the best way to go about it.....get hired on full time. Tell them you would like to start and run the e-waste section of there company and work out all the selling deals with buyers. They may or may not take that offer and if they do take can talk with them on how the payment part is to be worked out. Maybe a hourly rate and %? Its up to you.
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  4. #3
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    i have a guy that breaks down my computers for me i pay him 1.50 a computer. so the faster he breaks em down the more he gets paid. the yard will love that

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Why would you give away your whole gameplan by showing them the pricesheets? Those are like the holy grail to me. Good luck to you, but if they know the profit potential they might try a squeeze play on you. Be sure to make yourself an important cog in their wheel.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Why would you give away your whole gameplan by showing them the pricesheets? Those are like the holy grail to me. Good luck to you, but if they know the profit potential they might try a squeeze play on you. Be sure to make yourself an important cog in their wheel.
    Part why I was saying/thinking he would want to be a full time buyer/seller of the e-waste to do all the grading and then selling of the scrap. This would make him a key person in the company.

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  10. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    That's not how I do it.....I hand the local yards my own price list and buy the boards leaving myself a margin for profit......

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  12. #7
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    Just an ideal here, but if they would buy them assembled at say $15 per hundred wt (0.15 per pound) tell them you will give them 0.20 cents per pound and let them keep the shred material. You walk away with the goodies! and they nearly doubled there outlay for the computers every week (or when you process). The advantage is you hopefully get to process on their land and leave the shred there. Then you make your $ back selling to wasted or the like.

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  14. #8
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    First my thanks for the input, which is why I asked. Ha!

    Mech far as cutting me out...I was smart enough to remove the contact info. They can google up ewaste buyers easily enough with or without my price sheet. So could they skip me an do it themselves? Sure, but they coulda done that before an never did. The info as we all like to easy to find if you search for it. Applies to the net at large, not just SMF.

    The guys who run this yard aren't net savvy. As I said in my original post they do just fine on regular old metals, they don't really need to be all cut throat about it. Could they? Sure. Will they? I don't think so.

    Easy - That's what I was thinking more along the lines of. Running the ewaste side for them. Not only would it be profitable it'd be something I'd enjoy.

    Whm1 - Excellent point on using their yard. This is also part of my plan. I'd rather dismantle it all right there on site then waste my time transporting. I'd work it either way but I'd rather save me time and gas. Less time commuting more time breaking down an profiting.

    Thanks for the advice folks, this is why you all have a standing beer if you ever visit my sandbar.

    Sirscrapalot - looking to grab a slice of the ewaste pie on his sandbar.

  15. #9
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    if you got em too excited, they may be reading this post by now ; )

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  17. #10
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    The guys who run this yard aren't net savvy. As I said in my original post they do just fine on regular old metals, they don't really need to be all cut throat about it. Could they? Sure. Will they? I don't think so.
    I handed out some price sheets and business cards at my yard till the owners son decided that he was missing out, and of course he studied computers in collage. He just got done with a week long advertising campaign in all the local papers, and he's only paying .10 lb for anything computer and .02 for other electronics. (no tv/monitors) Things really started drying up after that happened.

  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    That's not how I do it.....I hand the local yards my own price list and buy the boards leaving myself a margin for profit......
    Exactly what I do aswell

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  20. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I handed out some price sheets and business cards at my yard till the owners son decided that he was missing out, and of course he studied computers in collage. He just got done with a week long advertising campaign in all the local papers, and he's only paying .10 lb for anything computer and .02 for other electronics. (no tv/monitors) Things really started drying up after that happened.
    Do your own ad campain lol. You know itw worth more then what he addvertiesed. I buy all the boards from 2 of my local yards. I get them cheap due to they dont want to fool with it and they but it all as shred lol. But I posted in the news paper awhile back and I got swamped.

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  22. #13
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    me thinks this was a mistake. $ and Gold= change in attitude+personality+scrupples=friendships+trust+h onesty. We ARE living in the generation of greed. unfortunately all of us do not operate on the same principals.

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  24. #14
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    It's all good.

    If so I was wrong, and will go back to my jaded and bitter ways in my fellow man.
    I'm changing my nature in a radical way after so many years in retail..I'm being

    Have a good one folks.

    Sirscrapalot - off to watch kite surfers.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 06-14-2012 at 12:25 PM.

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  26. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    That's not how I do it.....I hand the local yards my own price list and buy the boards leaving myself a margin for profit......
    what format do you use on your price list, price per pound whole, per tower, per board, per pound of boards?

  27. #16
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    I am not being cynical, just being a realist after 50 + years of experience, and getting kicked in the face several dozen times while I was bent over picking up a trusted friend,partner or relatives mess, or someone else's mess. I'm just saying, showing your up cards is ok, just don;t show your down cards and particularly your hole card.

    people generally fear what they don't understand. in this case. the fear and lack of understanding IS there or they would already be buying computer scrap.

    my approach would be a need to know basis, tell them just what they need to know to say yes to the deal.

    they fear risk, loss of money, and looking stupid to their employees, friends , and who ever is higher up.

    figure out a way to eliminate those three factors with out giving away the farm and you have a win win. any thing less is either a win for them or a loss to you both. just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 06-14-2012 at 01:56 PM.

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  29. #17
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    Hi good luck i pefrsonaly would work out how many a day you can strip and ask what your day is worth to you and them i would ask for a three mounth trile .this is the time to show what you can do after this period i would sit down with the owner and do a 12 mouth cash flow forcast.negotate a deal that would suit the both off you then it may even lead to more imployment for some one else to how ever i would not disclose all off your methods untill you have a full time employment contract hope all goes well be confident and show that you beleave in your self.

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