Happy Scrapping TXf!

It doesn't hurt to put out the word either, you don't have to shout it off the roof, just a mention here and there to family/friends/associates/total strangers/etc

I'm very thankful for what I've got here, especially the "place to work" part. I hope you, too, have an area you can call your own, in which to work, sort, and store your metals. I've got an ad on both freecycle and craigslist (already had a very decent computer P/U from both!), and although they don't garner much, or often, they have proved useful. A word here and there as well, after telling my mom what I'd been doing, an uncle called to ask if i'd fix his computer, and one day I stopped by mom's, and a computer is sitting near the door. I asked was it his? "nope, it's yours, I saw it in the free room where i have lunch". She goes to a SR center for lunch and socializing, she also hung one of my flyers up there, and tomorrow I have a shed-garage cleanup because of it, which I'm certain will fill the trailer once more