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Tetanus shots are no fun

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Tetanus shots are no fun

    Just a little "war story" I figured I would share, which shows why you should have your gloves in your truck at all times. About two months ago a buddy of mine called me excitedly and told me one of his neighbors was throwing out an old stove, so I promptly jumped in my truck, stopped by his place and went with him to grab the stove, unfortunately, as I would soon find out, I forgot my gloves at home, and while loading the stove into the back of the truck, a nice sharp and dirty edge on the stove cut my left middle finger right where it flexes. We went back to his place, I washed the wound and got a band-aid with some ointment, and he pleaded with me to get a Tetanus shot, which I did next day at a local clinic near my house. It was no fun to say in the least, but I'm golden for 10 years as far as that kind of thing goes.

    Long story short, you never want to forget your gloves at home...

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  3. #2
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    A few years ago I was replacing the starter in the Bronco I had. The top bolt had been crossthreaded by the previous person to work on it, and snapped when i removed it. Solutiion? Drill a hole through and put a nut and bolt on (no tap and die kit.) that night my eye starts itching. Figure it's dirt. Wake up the next morning with my eye crusted shut, and after forcing it open won't stop watering. Head to the ER. Seems I got a shaving stuck in my eyeball. Out comes the tetanus shot. Then the eye gets numbed and held open while the doc pulls out the shaving, then proceeds to use an air drill to cut the rust ring out. Nothing like watching a drill bit poke into your eye and move around in circles.

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  5. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Then the eye gets numbed and held open while the doc pulls out the shaving, then proceeds to use an air drill to cut the rust ring out. Nothing like watching a drill bit poke into your eye and move around in circles.
    Yep I've had eyelid surgery twice after they found lil cancer tumors on my right eyelid. They strap your head down, and numb it, and your watching the bright light while they take a section out of your lid and cauterize it (they use a laser). hehe At first you wonder what burning, then you think "wait that's me",,,
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  6. #4
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    Had my tetanus shot last year, along with the first set of rabies shots after a stray cat attacked me.

    One minute I'm walking through the yard and the next I've got a cat attached to my leg trying to bite, luckily I mangaged to get him off my leg before he was really able to sink his teeth in though. He kept coming at me until I mangaged to smack him in the head a good one and then he ran off.

    The good thing is they no longer give rabies shots to you in the stomach, but the first set of shots (around the wound area) hurt like he$$.

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gnraxlrose88 View Post
    A few years ago I was replacing the starter in the Bronco I had. The top bolt had been crossthreaded by the previous person to work on it, and snapped when i removed it. Solutiion? Drill a hole through and put a nut and bolt on (no tap and die kit.) that night my eye starts itching. Figure it's dirt. Wake up the next morning with my eye crusted shut, and after forcing it open won't stop watering. Head to the ER. Seems I got a shaving stuck in my eyeball. Out comes the tetanus shot. Then the eye gets numbed and held open while the doc pulls out the shaving, then proceeds to use an air drill to cut the rust ring out. Nothing like watching a drill bit poke into your eye and move around in circles.
    Be careful with your eyes Especially the cornea since it has no blood supply, meaning antibiotic or tetanus won't help any if you happen to get a fungus in it. I am legally blind in my left eye because I got hit with something and never realized it; until it was too late.

  8. #6
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    I HATE needles... absolutly hate when they take blood from inside of the elbow area of arm... I had tetanus shot in grade 9... that was back in 88/89.... decided one day that since I cut/scrape myself on a regular basis, that I just went and had the shot done for prevention about 2 years ago... so I am good for a few more years.. At least mine was done in the upper outside of my arm

  9. #7
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Destructo_d View Post
    I HATE needles... absolutly hate when they take blood from inside of the elbow area of arm... I had tetanus shot in grade 9... that was back in 88/89.... decided one day that since I cut/scrape myself on a regular basis, that I just went and had the shot done for prevention about 2 years ago... so I am good for a few more years.. At least mine was done in the upper outside of my arm
    I don't think they administer them in the butt anymore. Would make it that much worse if they did :eek:.

  10. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I HATE needles... absolutly hate when they take blood from inside of the elbow area of arm..
    That's the way I was till I got badly sick, now when I go to dialysis 3 times a week, their plugging the needles into my upper arm. Didn't take long to get used to the idea.

  11. #9
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Needles don't hurt as much if you are lying down when they take the blood test.

    I don't mind the needles, its the passing out I don't like....

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