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Truck paying off already

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Gnraxlrose88 started this thread.
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    Green Bay, WI
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    Truck paying off already

    Tuesday night: Get my new truck delivered to my house (1992 Chev 1500 5.0 auto 4x4 single cab long box 201K)

    Thursday morning: Register truck ($182.50 for tax, title, and plates)

    Thursday night: Load up some plastic and other assorted garbage, drive to free dump spot, proceed to unload. Make small talk with the old guy loading landscaping timbers into his Buick Park Avenue as I dig out a few small assorted metal items. Toyota Corolla pulls in with a small trailer attatched, tall sides so can't see inside but see a fan sticking out the top. Figure, doesn't hurt to ask if I can grab it, the old guy has no interest. Before I finish my thought, guy driving Corolla asks if either of us are collecting metal. I pipe up, of course, and he tells me to come over. I help them unload, and end up with 2 fans, 2 Kirby vaccums (LOTS of cast alum on those, plus motor) some other small assorted steel pieces. Guy tells me him and his friend were scrapping, but gave it up in hopes of getting their yard clean, and if I want to meet them back there in an hour and they'll have more. I tell them if it's easier, i'll just come pick it up, if they want it gone that is. Guys agree. Make the short (2 minute) drive to their house, in a VERY fancy area of town, only to find a house with a tarp garage door, tarp "buildings" built in the back yard, and misc stuff laying around. Guy tells me it's his Sanford and Son salvage yard, and he wants stuff GONE. Proceed to load up the truck. 2 tvs, 1 monitor, alum cans, cast alum, brass, stainless, old rotted electric organ, old bicycle, lighted reindeer decoration, and boxes and crates I havn't dug into yet. I thank him over and over, he says "No problem, by the looks of your truck you're doing me a huge favor." I offer him my phone number and tell him to call me if he has more. He says he will, and won't waste my time for a couple small items, it'll be worth my time and his. Go home, unload truck.

    Friday: Load up assorted buckets and bins of low grade boards, #2 copper, alum, couple brake rotors. Bags of alum cans. Drive to yard, unload, leave yard with check for $186 and some change. A little upset by the price, but not torn. Proceed home, change, go to work.

    Saturday: Take day off. Girlfriends babysitting 2nd cousins, take them strawberry picking.

    Sunday: Sleep in, get up, go for lunch. Receive text from fellow scrapper, 3 monitors for me to pick up. Agree on Mon morning. Get home from lunch, change, head to crappy min wage job to waste away another 7 hours of my life. Receive phone call, White Sanford (real name Chris) tells me he has more for me, another TV, small fridge, portable garbage compactor (loaded with alum cans) microwave, maybe a lawnmower or two. Possibly more items by the time I arrive. We agree on 8AM. I proceed to use company computer to share my (what I feel to be) a wonderful week.

    Plans for next week: Haul in scrap piled on the side of my garage, pick up more scrap, break down scrap, work crappy min wage job, blow money at Country USA (large country music festival). Possibly pay Wisconsin Public Service, so I can enjoy use of my power tools, and of course have cold beer. Not too concerend about lights.

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